Source code for cedar.stores.gdrive

""" Helper utilities for using Google Drive
import functools
import io
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import socket
import urllib
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.error import HTTPError

from apiclient.http import MediaIoBaseDownload
from google.auth.transport.requests import Request
from google.api_core import retry
from google.oauth2.credentials import Credentials
from googleapiclient.discovery import Resource, build
from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
from googleapiclient.http import MediaIoBaseUpload

import ee

from stems.utils import renamed_upon_completion

from .. import defaults, utils, __version__

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MIME_TYPE_DIRECTORY = 'application/'
MIME_TYPE_FILE = 'application/'

_ORDER_BY = 'folder,modifiedTime,name'


SCOPES = ['']

# TODO: rehash what these should be and document
_CLIENT_SECRETS = 'client_secrets.json'
_USER_CREDS = 'credentials.json'

[docs]def build_gdrive_service(credentials): """ Return Google Drive API service, either by credentials or file Parameters ---------- credentials : google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials User credentials, including access token, for using the application. Returns ------- googleapiclient.discovery.Resource GDrive v3 API resource """ service = build('drive', 'v3', credentials=credentials) return service
[docs]def get_credentials(client_secrets_file=None, credentials_file=None, no_browser=True): """ Get OAuth2 Credentials for Google Drive Parameters ---------- client_secrets_file : str or Path Filename of "client_secrets.[...].json" file credentials_file : str or Path Filename of user credentials to load, or to save to for future use. If not provided, will use default location. no_browser : bool, optional Disables opening a web browser in favor of prompting user to authenticate using a terminal prompt. Returns ------- credentials : google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials User credentials, including access token, for using the application. credentials_file : str File storing user credentials """ # Locate authentication files, checking default places client_secrets_file_, credentials_file_ = find_credentials( client_secrets_file, credentials_file) creds = None if credentials_file_ and os.path.exists(credentials_file_): logger.debug('Trying to load previous credentials file...') creds = load_credentials(credentials_file_) if not creds or not creds.valid: # Try refreshing if creds and not creds.expired and creds.refresh_token: logger.debug('Trying to refresh credentials token...') creds.refresh(Request()) else: # Load from file if not client_secrets_file_: raise ValueError('Missing `client_secrets` or path to a ' 'valid `client_secrets_file` file needed ' 'to authenticate user') logger.debug('Opening local web server to authenticate..') flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file( client_secrets_file_, SCOPES) flow_kwds = { # Enable offline access so we can refresh access token without # reprompting user for permission. 'access_type': 'offline' } if no_browser: creds = flow.run_console(**flow_kwds) else: creds = flow.run_local_server(**flow_kwds) # Save for next time logger.debug(f'Saving Google API credentials to {credentials_file_}') save_credentials(creds, credentials_file_) return creds, credentials_file_
[docs]class GDriveStore(object): """ Store GEE "pre-ARD" images and metadata on Google Drive Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google Drive API service """ def __init__(self, service): assert isinstance(service, Resource) self.service = service
[docs] @classmethod def from_credentials(cls, client_secrets_file=None, credentials_file=None): """ Create and/or load credentials and create the store Parameters ---------- client_secrets_file : str or Path Filename of "client_secrets.[...].json" file credentials_file : str or Path Filename of user credentials to load, or to save to for future use. If not provided, will use default location. """ creds, creds_file = get_credentials( client_secrets_file=client_secrets_file, credentials_file=credentials_file) gdrive = build_gdrive_service(credentials=creds) return cls(gdrive)
[docs] def list(self, path=None, pattern=None): """ List stored images or metadata Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Prefix path to search within pattern : str, optional Filename pattern Returns ------- list[str] Names of stored data """ parent_id = _path_to_parent_id(self.service, path) info = list_objects(self.service, parent_id=parent_id, name=pattern) return [i['name'] for i in info]
[docs] def store_metadata(self, metadata, name, path=None): """ Store JSON metadata Parameters ---------- metadata : dict Metadata, to be saved as JSON name : str Name of file/object to store path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored Returns ------- str ID of file uploaded """ if not name.endswith('.json'): name += '.json' if path is not None: parent_id = mkdir(self.service, path, check=True) meta_id = upload_json(self.service, metadata, name, path=path, check=True) return meta_id
[docs] def store_image(self, image, name, path=None, **export_image_kwds): """ Create ee.batch.Task to create and store "pre-ARD" Parameters ---------- image : ee.Image Earth Engine image to compute & store name : str Name of file/object to store path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored export_image_kwds : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass onto :py:meth:`ee.batch.Export.image.toCloudStorage` (hint: ``scale`` & ``crs``) Returns ------- ee.Task Earth Engine Task """ # TODO: warn / fail if `path` looks nested... # Make parent directory -- currently GEE interprets this directory as # a single, non-nested directory. So, "PREARD/LT05" and "PREARD/LE07" # won't be separate directories under "PREARD/", but two directories # stored in the root of your drive. # As such, we use mkdir here (for now?) if path is not None: parent_id = mkdir(self.service, path, check=True) # Canonicalized: # folder -> driveFolder # fileNamePrefix, path -> driveFileNamePrefix task = ee.batch.Export.image.toDrive( image, description=name, fileNamePrefix=name, driveFolder=path, **export_image_kwds ) return task
def _retrieve_extension(self, dest, name, ext, path=None, overwrite=True): # Find parent ID if provided & list objects parent_id = _path_to_parent_id(self.service, path) query = list(list_objects(self.service, parent_id=parent_id, name=name)) # Can't pattern search on GDrive, so limit by extension query_ = [q for q in query if q['name'].endswith(ext)] for i, result in enumerate(query_): id_, result_name = result['id'], result['name'] msg = f'{i}/{len(query_)} - "{result_name}"' dest_ = Path(dest).joinpath(result_name) if not dest_.exists() or overwrite: logger.debug(f'Downloading {msg}') dst = download_file_id(self.service, id_, dest_) else: logger.debug(f'Already downloaded {msg}') yield dest_
[docs] def retrieve_image(self, dest, name, path=None, overwrite=True): """ Retrieve (pieces of) an image from the Google Drive Parameters ---------- dest : str Destination folder to save image(s) name : str Name of stored file/object path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored on Google Drive Yields ------ Sequence[str] Filename(s) corresponding to retrieved data """ return self._retrieve_extension(dest, name, '.tif', path=path, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def retrieve_metadata(self, dest, name, path=None, overwrite=True): """ Retrieve image metadata from the GCS Parameters ---------- dest : str Destination folder to save metadata name : str Name of stored file/object path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored Yields ------ pathlib.Path Filename corresponding to retrieved data """ return self._retrieve_extension(dest, name, '.json', path=path, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def read_metadata(self, name, path=None): """ Read and parse JSON metadata into a dict Parameters ---------- name : str Filename of metadata to read path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored Returns ------- dict JSON metadata """ parent_id = _path_to_parent_id(self.service, path) return read_json(self.service, name, parent_id=parent_id)
[docs] def remove(self, name, path=None): """ Remove a file from Google Drive Parameters ---------- name : str Name of stored file/object path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored Returns ------- str Name of file removed """ parent_id = _path_to_parent_id(self.service, path) return delete(self.service, name, parent_id=parent_id)
[docs]def get_appProperties(): """ Returns private "appProperties" to include when creating files """ return { 'application': __name__.split('.')[0], 'version': __version__ }
[docs]def query_appProperties(): """ Build a query component for ``appProperties`` """ q = ('appProperties has {key="application" and value="%s"}' % get_appProperties()['application']) return q
[docs]def upload_json(service, data, name, path=None, check=False, encoding=METADATA_ENCODING): """ Upload JSON data to Google Drive Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 data : str or dict JSON, either already dumped to str or as a dict name : str Filename for data path : str, optional Parent directory to put file. If ``None``, stores in root of Google Drive check : bool, optional Check to see if the file already exists first. If so, will overwrite (or "update" instead of "create") encoding : str, optional Metadata encoding Returns ------- str ID of file uploaded """ # Dump to JSON if needed if isinstance(data, dict): data = json.dumps(data, indent=2) if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode(encoding) # Find folder ID for parent directory parent_id = _path_to_parent_id(service, path) # Prepare metadata body & data body = { 'name': name, 'parents': [parent_id], 'mimeType': 'text/plain', 'appProperties': get_appProperties() } content = io.BytesIO(data) media = MediaIoBaseUpload(content, 'text/plain', resumable=True) # Check to see if file already exists... if check: file_id = exists(service, name, parent_id=parent_id) else: file_id = '' # Update or create if check and file_id: req = service.files().update(fileId=file_id, media_body=media) else: req = service.files().create(body=body, media_body=media, fields='id') meta = req.execute() return meta['id']
[docs]@retry.Retry() def download_file_id(service, file_id, dest): """ Download a file to a destination directory using its ID Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 file_id : str ID of file on Google Drive dest : str or pathlib.Path Destination filename Returns ------- pathlib.Path Filename written to Raises ------ FileExistsError Raised if file exists in destination but not allowed to overwrite, ValueError Raised if the file given does not exist in Google Drive """ # Create destination if needed dest = Path(dest) if not dest.parent.exists(): dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Download... request = service.files().get_media(fileId=file_id) suffix = f'.tmp.{socket.gethostname()}{os.getpid()}' with renamed_upon_completion(dest, suffix=suffix) as tmp: with open(str(tmp), 'wb') as dst: downloader = MediaIoBaseDownload(dst, request) done = False # TODO: would be nice to have _some_ logging indicator of dl speed while done is False: status, done = downloader.next_chunk() return dest
[docs]def download_file(service, name, dest, parent_id=None): """ Download a file to a destination directory Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 dest : str Name of destination parent_id : str, optional Parent ID of folder containing file (to narrow search) Returns ------- pathlib.Path Filename written to Raises ------ FileExistsError Raised if file exists in destination but not allowed to overwrite, ValueError Raised if the file given does not exist in Google Drive """ # Find the file name_id = exists(service, name, parent_id=parent_id) if not name_id: raise ValueError(f'File "{name}" not found on Google Drive') return download_file_id(service, name_id, dest)
@retry.Retry() def _read_json_id(service, file_id): request = service.files().get_media(fileId=file_id) with io.BytesIO() as fh: downloader = MediaIoBaseDownload(fh, request) done = False while done is False: status, done = downloader.next_chunk() data = return json.loads(data, encoding=METADATA_ENCODING)
[docs]def read_json(service, name, parent_id=None): """ Reads and returns a JSON file from Google Drive Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 name : str Name of file/folder parent_id : str, optional Parent ID of folder containing file (to narrow search) Returns ------- dict JSON data as a dict """ name_id = exists(service, name, parent_id=parent_id) if not name_id: raise ValueError(f'File "{name}" not found on Google Drive') return _read_json_id(service, name_id)
[docs]def mkdir_p(service, dest, parent_id=None): """ Make a directory, recursively Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 dest : str Directory to create Returns ------- str Google Drive ID for directory created (or already existing) """ paths = dest.split('/', 1) if len(paths) == 1: # root name_id = exists(service, paths[0], parent_id=parent_id) if not name_id: return mkdir(service, paths[0], parent_id=parent_id) else: # already exists return name_id else: name, paths_ = paths[0], paths[1:] name_id = exists(service, name, parent_id=parent_id, directory=True) if not name_id: name_id = mkdir(service, name, parent_id=parent_id) dest_ = '/'.join(paths_) return mkdir_p(service, dest_, parent_id=name_id)
[docs]@retry.Retry() def mkdir(service, name, parent_id=None, check=False): """ Make a directory on GDrive Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 name : str Directory to create parent_id : str, optional ID of parent directory check : bool, optional Check if directory exists before creating. If exists, will not create a new directory and instead return the ID of this directory Returns ------- str Google Drive ID for directory created (or already existing) """ if check: name_id = exists(service, name, parent_id=parent_id, directory=True) if name_id: logger.debug('Not creating new directory; already exists') return name_id logger.debug(f'Creating directory {name}') meta = {'name': name, 'mimeType': MIME_TYPE_DIRECTORY} if parent_id is not None: meta['parents'] = [parent_id] dir_ = service.files().create(body=meta, fields='id').execute() return dir_['id']
# TODO: maybe also make this have a timeout for memoized keys def _memoize_exists(func): cache = {} @functools.wraps(func) def inner(*args, **kwds): # don't use "service" as key key = (args[1], kwds.get('parent_id', None), kwds.get('directory', False), kwds.get('trashed', False), ) if key in cache: return cache[key] else: ans = func(*args, **kwds) # only cache "hits" (id != '') if ans: cache[key] = ans return ans return inner
[docs]@retry.Retry() @_memoize_exists def exists(service, name, parent_id=None, directory=False, trashed=False, appProperties=defaults.GDRIVE_USE_APPPROPERTIES): """ Check if file/folder exists Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 name : str Name of file/folder parent_id : str, optional Parent ID of folder containing file (to narrow search) directory : bool, optional True if file needs to also be a directory trashed : bool, optional Search in the trash? appProperties : bool Search for application-specific files using ``appProperties`` Returns ------- str Returns object ID if exists, otherwise empty string """ q = [] if directory: q.append(f'mimeType = "{MIME_TYPE_DIRECTORY}"') if appProperties: q.append(query_appProperties()) results = list(list_objects(service, parent_id=parent_id, name=name, q=q, appProperties=appProperties)) n_results = len(results) if n_results == 1: return results[0]['id'] elif n_results > 1: match_name = [r['name'] == name for r in results] if any(match_name): idx = match_name.index(True) return results[idx]['id'] else: id_ = results[0]['id'] logger.debug(f'Returning first of {n_results} matches -- id={id_}') return id_ else: return ''
# TODO: memoize
[docs]@retry.Retry() def list_objects(service, parent_id=None, name=None, q=None, appProperties=defaults.GDRIVE_USE_APPPROPERTIES): """ List files/folders on Google Drive Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 parent_id : str, optional Parent ID of folder to list (to narrow search) name : str, optional Name to search for (don't include asterisks) q : str or Sequence[str], optional Additional search query parameters appProperties : bool Search for application-specific files using ``appProperties`` Yields ------ list[dict] Info about objects stored on Google Drive (keys=('id', 'name', )) """ # Check for passed query if isinstance(q, str): query = [q] elif isinstance(q, (list, tuple)): query = list(q) else: query = [] # Build up query query.append("trashed = false") if parent_id: query.append(f"'{parent_id}' in parents") if name: query.append(f"name contains '{name}'") if appProperties: query.append(query_appProperties()) # Combine query_ = ' and '.join(query) logger.debug(f'Searching for query: "{query_}"') # Execute in pages page_token = None while True: resp = service.files().list(q=query_, spaces='drive', orderBy=_ORDER_BY, fields='nextPageToken, files(id, name)', pageToken=page_token).execute() for file_ in resp.get('files', []): yield file_ page_token = resp.get('nextPageToken', None) if page_token is None: break
[docs]def list_dirs(service, parent_id=None, name=None): """ List folders on Google Drive Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 parent_id : str, optional Parent ID of folder to list (to narrow search) name : str, optional Name to search for (don't include asterisks) Yields ------ list[dict] Info about objects stored on Google Drive (keys=('id', 'name', )) """ q = [f'mimeType = "{MIME_TYPE_DIRECTORY}"'] return list_objects(service, parent_id=parent_id, name=name, q=q)
[docs]@retry.Retry() def delete(service, name, parent_id=None, appProperties=defaults.GDRIVE_USE_APPPROPERTIES): """ Delete a file/folder on Google Drive Parameters ---------- service : googleapiclient.discovery.Resource Google API resource for GDrive v3 name : str Name of file/folder parent_id : str, optional Parent ID of folder containing file (to narrow search) appProperties : bool Search for application-specific files using ``appProperties`` Returns ------- str ID of deleted file/folder """ name_id = exists(service, name, parent_id=parent_id) resp = service.files().delete(fileId=name_id).execute() return name_id
def _path_to_parent_id(service, path): if path is None: return None else: # Never search using appProperties # (e.g., in case GEE created the export folder) parent_id = exists(service, path, directory=True, appProperties=False) if not parent_id: raise FileNotFoundError( f'Cannot find prefix path provided "{path}" on Google Drive') return parent_id # ============================================================================= # OAuth helpers _OAUTH2_CREDS = ['token', 'refresh_token', 'id_token', 'token_uri', 'client_id', 'client_secret', 'scopes'] def _dict_to_creds(d): assert isinstance(d, dict) token = d['token'] kwds = {k: v for k, v in d.items() if k != 'token'} creds = Credentials(token, **kwds) return creds def _creds_to_dict(creds): creds_ = { k: getattr(creds, k, None) for k in _OAUTH2_CREDS } return creds_
[docs]def load_credentials(filename): """ Load Google OAuth2 credentials from file Returns ------- google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials """ with open(filename) as src: data = json.load(src) creds = _dict_to_creds(data) return creds
[docs]def save_credentials(credentials, filename): """ Save Google OAuth2 credentials Parameters ---------- credentials : google.oauth2.credentials.Credentials Google OAuth2 credentials filename : str or Path Path to save credentials """ creds_ = _creds_to_dict(credentials) filename = Path(filename) filename.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) suffix = f'.tmp.{socket.gethostname()}{os.getpid()}' with renamed_upon_completion(filename, suffix=suffix) as tmp: with open(str(tmp), 'w') as dst: json.dump(creds_, dst, indent=2, sort_keys=False) utils.set_file_urw(tmp)
[docs]def find_credentials(client_secrets_file=None, credentials_file=None): """ Locate GDrive client secrets & credentials files """ def _check(fname, exists=True): dname, bname = os.path.dirname(fname), os.path.basename(fname) dirs_ = defaults.CEDAR_ROOT_CONFIG.copy() if dname: dirs_.insert(0, dname) paths = [os.path.join(d, bname) for d in dirs_] return utils.get_file(*paths, exists=exists) client_secrets_file_ = _check(client_secrets_file or _CLIENT_SECRETS, True) credentials_file_ = _check(credentials_file or _USER_CREDS, False) return client_secrets_file_, credentials_file_