Developer Notes


We use Sphinx to generate documentation. Docstrings will be parsed using the Napoleon Sphinx extension and should follow the NumPy style shown in Napoleon’s docs, which is based on the full Numpy Style Guide. This is the same style used by scikit-learn and xarray, for example.


When adding new modules, update the API docs for the new code:

cd docs/
sphinx-apidoc -f -e -o source/cedar ../cedar


The build process for HTML can be run using make:

cd docs/
make html

The output HTML files will be put in docs/build/html/.


We use pytest to run our unit and integration tests, and rely on the following plugins:

  • pytest-cov

  • pytest-lazy-fixture

  • pytest-runner

See pytest’s documentation for full details on how to run it, but one example of how to run tests might be:

pytest -r cedar/ --cov=cedar/ --cov-report=term

This command will run the tests, measure the test coverage against the lines of code in the cedar package, and report the coverage summary statistics to the terminal.

Continuous Integration

We use Travis CI for continuous integration testing.