Pre-ARD Order Tracking

Once you have submitted orders to create Pre-ARD, you can track what you have ordered and check the progress of each one.

List Orders

$ cedar status list
Tracked orders:

Update Order Status

After an order has been submitted, you can use the cedar status update to update tracking metadata with the status of the Google Earth Engine “pre-ARD” tasks. Specifically, the information about each task within the orders section will have new information about the task state (id), timestamps (creation_timestamp_ms, update_timestamp_ms, and start_timestamp_ms), and the output locations of the “pre-ARD” images (output_url).

$ cedar status update TRACKING_2019-07-18T16:45:25.528253_h063v052

Updating "TRACKING_2019-07-18T16:45:25.528253_h063v052"

Once we’ve updated the order tracking information by checking in on the Earth Engine tasks we’ll have more useful info when we print it again. In the following example, I waited until all of the Earth Engine tasks had completed before updating and printing the tracking status again:

$ cedar status print TRACKING_2019-07-18T16:45:25.528253_h063v052
Program Info:
    + cedar=0+untagged.260.g3693702.dirty
    + earthengine-api=0.1.180
Submission Info:
    + Submitted on 2019-07-18T16:45:25.528265
    + Tile Grid: "GLANCE - NA - V01"
    + Tile Indices : (52, 63)
    + Period:
        + Start: 1997-01-01T00:00:00
        + End:   2020-01-01T00:00:00
        + Freq:  5YS
Tracking Info
    + Name: TRACKING_2019-07-18T16:45:25.528253_h063v052
    + Prefix: GLANCE_TRACK
    + Collections: LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR, LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_SR, LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_SR
    + Image template: {collection}_h{tile.horizontal:03d}v{tile.vertical:03d}_{date_start}_{date_end}
    + Image prefix: GLANCE_PREARD
    + Count: 10
    + States:
        1. COMPLETED: 10
    + Runtime: 12.81 +/- 3.92 minutes

All 10 of the pre-ARD generating Earth Engine tasks have completed, and the mean runtime was about 13 minutes per task. The “wall clock” time, or the time from submission until everything is completed, will be longer, however, because our order contained 10 images and the Earth Engine only allows a few tasks to execute concurrently.

We can also use this tool to print more detailed information about specific images in our order:

$ cedar status print --order 3 --order 4 TRACKING_2019-07-18T16:45:25.528253_h063v052
Program Info:
    * cedar=0+untagged.260.g3693702.dirty
    * earthengine-api=0.1.180
Submission Info:
    * Submitted on 2019-07-18T16:45:25.528265
    * Tile Grid: "GLANCE - NA - V01"
    * Tile Indices : (52, 63)
    * Period:
        * Start: 1997-01-01T00:00:00
        * End:   2020-01-01T00:00:00
        * Freq:  5YS
Tracking Info
    * Name: TRACKING_2019-07-18T16:45:25.528253_h063v052
    * Prefix: GLANCE_TRACK
    * Collections: LANDSAT/LC08/C01/T1_SR, LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_SR, LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_SR
    * Image template: {collection}_h{tile.horizontal:03d}v{tile.vertical:03d}_{date_start}_{date_end}
    * Image prefix: GLANCE_PREARD
    * Count: 10
    * States:
        - COMPLETED: 10
    * Runtime: 12.81 +/- 3.92 minutes
Order #3
    - Name: LANDSAT_LE07_C01_T1_SR_h063v052_2002-01-01_2007-01-01
    - Prefix: GLANCE_PREARD
    - Task state: COMPLETED
    - Runtime: 9.63 minutes
    - Image pieces: 25
    - Output URL: ['']
Order #4
    - Name: LANDSAT_LE07_C01_T1_SR_h063v052_2007-01-01_2012-01-01
    - Prefix: GLANCE_PREARD
    - Task state: COMPLETED
    - Runtime: 13.78 minutes
    - Image pieces: 25
    - Output URL: ['']

Printing the information for the 3rd and 4th images in our order shows the Earth Engine task ID, how many files the GeoTIFF was exported to to be under 4GB, the runtime, the output URL (Google Drive, in this case), and directory and filename information.

Now that the images have been processed and exported to our storage service we can use cedar again to download the data.