Source code for cedar.stores.gcs

""" Helper utilities for using Google Cloud Storage
import fnmatch
import functools
import io
import json
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re

from import storage
from google.oauth2 import service_account

import ee

from stems.utils import renamed_upon_completion

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_RE_FILE = re.compile(r'.*(?<!\/)$')


[docs]def build_gcs_client(credentials=None, project=None): """ Return a Google Cloud Store API service client Parameters ---------- credentials : str, optional File name of Google Cloud Store credentials (typically from a service account) project : str, optional Google Cloud Platform project to use Returns ------- Client for the Google Cloud Storage client library Notes ----- You might consider setting the envirnment variable ``GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` with the path to your service account credentials file [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ if credentials is None and ENVVAR_CREDENTIALS in os.environ: credentials = os.environ[ENVVAR_CREDENTIALS] logger.debug('Got GCS credentials from environment variable') if project is None and ENVVAR_PROJECT in os.environ: project = os.environ[ENVVAR_PROJECT] logger.debug('Got GCS project from environment variable') credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( credentials, scopes=SCOPES) client = storage.Client(project=project, credentials=credentials) return client
[docs]class GCSStore(object): """ Store GEE "pre-ARD" images and metadata on Google Cloud Storage Parameters ---------- client : GCS client bucket : GCS bucket """ def __init__(self, client, bucket): assert isinstance(client, storage.Client) assert isinstance(bucket, storage.Bucket) self.client = client self.bucket = bucket
[docs] @classmethod def from_credentials(cls, bucket_name, credentials=None, project=None): """ Load Google Cloud Storage credentials and create store """ client = build_gcs_client(credentials=credentials, project=project) bucket = client.get_bucket(bucket_name) return cls(client, bucket)
[docs] def list(self, path=None, pattern=None): """ List stored images or metadata Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Prefix path to search within pattern : str, optional Filename pattern Returns ------- list[str] Names of stored data """ blobs = list_blobs(self.bucket, prefix=path, pattern=pattern) return [ for blob in blobs]
[docs] def store_metadata(self, metadata, name, path=None): """ Store JSON metadata Parameters ---------- metadata : dict Metadata, to be saved as JSON name : str Name of file/object to store path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored. Otherwise assumed to be part of ``name`` Returns ------- str Path to uploaded object """ if not name.endswith('.json'): name += '.json' fullname, _, path_ = _combine_name_path(name, path) path_ = mkdir_p(self.bucket, path_) blob = upload_json(self.bucket, metadata, fullname, check=False) return
[docs] def store_image(self, image, name, path=None, **export_image_kwds): """ Create ee.batch.Task to create and store "pre-ARD" Parameters ---------- image : ee.Image Earth Engine image to compute & store name : str Name of file/object to store path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored export_image_kwds : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass onto :py:meth:`ee.batch.Export.image.toCloudStorage` (hint: ``scale`` & ``crs``) Returns ------- ee.Task Earth Engine Task """ # Make parent directory fullname, basename, path_ = _combine_name_path(name, path) path_ = mkdir_p(self.bucket, path_) # Create compute/store export task # Canonicalized: # bucket -> outputBucket # fileNamePrefix, path -> outputPrefix task = ee.batch.Export.image.toCloudStorage( image,, description=basename, fileNamePrefix=fullname, **export_image_kwds ) return task
def _retrieve_extension(self, dest, name, ext, path=None, overwrite=True): if not name.endswith(ext): name += f'*{ext}' blobs = list_blobs(self.bucket, prefix=path, pattern=name) logger.debug(f'Found {len(blobs)} blobs matching image name/prefix') dests = [] for blob in blobs: blob_name ='/')[-1] msg = f'{i}/{len(blobs)} - "{blob_name}"' dest_ = dest.joinpath(blob_name) if not dest_.exists() or overwrite: logger.debug(f'Downloading {msg}') dst_ = download_blob(blob, dest_) else: logger.debug(f'Already downloaded {msg}') yield dest_
[docs] def retrieve_image(self, dest, name, path=None, overwrite=True): """ Retrieve (pieces of) an image from the GCS Parameters ---------- dest : str Destination folder to save image(s) name : str Name of stored file/object path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored on GCS Yields ------ Sequence[str] Filename(s) corresponding to retrieved data """ return _retrieve_extension(dest, name, 'tif', path=path, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def retrieve_metadata(self, dest, name, path=None, overwrite=True): """ Retrieve image metadata from the GCS Parameters ---------- dest : str Destination folder to save metadata name : str Name of stored file/object path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored Yields ------ pathlib.Path Filename corresponding to retrieved data """ return _retrieve_extension(dest, name, 'json', path=path, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs] def read_metadata(self, name, path=None): """ Read and parse JSON metadata into a dict Parameters ---------- name : str Filename of metadata blob to read path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored Returns ------- dict JSON metadata blob """ fullname, _, _ = _combine_name_path(name, path) blob = self.bucket.get_blob(fullname) if not blob: raise ValueError(f'No stored metadata named {fullname}') data = read_json(blob, encoding=METADATA_ENCODING) return data
[docs] def remove(self, name, path=None): """ Remove a file from GCS Parameters ---------- name : str Name of stored file/object path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored Returns ------- str Name of file removed """ fullname, _, _ = _combine_name_path(name, path) return delete_blob(self.bucket, fullname)
[docs]def upload_json(bucket, data, path, check=False, encoding=METADATA_ENCODING): """ Upload data as JSON to GCS Parameters ---------- bucket : GCS bucket data : str or dict JSON, either already dumped to str or as a dict path : str Destination path on GCS for data check : bool, optional Check to see if the file already exists first. If so, will overwrite (or "update" instead of "create") encoding : str, optional Metadata encoding Returns ------- JSON as GCS blob """ blob = bucket.blob(path) # Dump dict to JSON str and/or encode if needed if isinstance(data, dict): data = json.dumps(data, indent=2) if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode(encoding) blob.upload_from_string(data, content_type='application/json') return blob
[docs]def read_json(blob, encoding=METADATA_ENCODING): """ Read a blob of JSON string data into a dict Parameters ---------- blob : Blob to read, decode, and load encoding : str, optional Metadata encoding Returns ------- dict Blob read, decoded, and loaded as a dict """ data = blob.download_as_string().decode(encoding) return json.loads(data)
[docs]def mkdir_p(bucket, path): """ Create a "directory" on GCS Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name path : str Path to folder Returns ------- GCS blob for directory created Notes ----- Directories don't really exist on GCS but we can fake it [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] """ paths = path.rstrip('/').split('/') blob_dir = None for i in range(len(paths)): path_ = _format_dirpath('/'.join(paths[:i + 1])) if not exists(bucket, path_): logger.debug(f'Creating "directory" on GCS "{path_}"') blob_dir = mkdir(bucket, path_) else: logger.debug(f'Path {path_} already exists...') return blob_dir
[docs]def mkdir(bucket, path): """ Make a directory, recursively Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name path : str Path to folder Returns ------- GCS blob for directory created """ path_ = _format_dirpath(path) blob = bucket.blob(path_) content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' blob.upload_from_string('', content_type=content_type) return path
[docs]def exists(bucket, path): """ Check if file/folder exists Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name path : str Path to file/folder Returns ------- bool True or False if exists """ blob = storage.Blob(path, bucket) return blob.exists()
[docs]def delete_blob(bucket, path): """ Delete a GCS blob Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name path : str Path to file/folder Returns ------- path Name of deleted blob """ blob = bucket.blob(path) blob.delete() return
[docs]def list_dirs(bucket, prefix=None): """ Return "directory" blobs within a on GCS Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name prefix : str List contents within this folder Returns ------- Sequence[str] List of directories names inside at ``prefix`` """ prefix = _format_dirpath(prefix) if prefix else None blobs = bucket.list_blobs(prefix=prefix, delimiter='/') prefixes = set() for page in blobs.pages: prefixes.update(page.prefixes) return list(prefixes)
[docs]def list_blobs(bucket, prefix=None, pattern=None): """ Return file/non-directory blobs within a on GCS Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name prefix : str List contents within this folder pattern : str, optional Filter search by glob pattern (i.e., ``*.json``) Returns ------- list[] List of blob files inside at ``prefix`` """ if prefix: prefix = _format_dirpath(prefix) blobs = bucket.list_blobs(prefix=prefix) blobs = [blob for blob in blobs if _RE_FILE.match(] if pattern: re_pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern)) blobs = [blob for blob in blobs if re_pattern.match(_blob_basename(blob, prefix))] return blobs
[docs]def download_blob(blob, dest): """ Download a blob to a destination directory Parameters ---------- blob : GCS blob to download dest : str Local directory to download blob into Returns ------- pathlib.Path Filename written to """ dest = Path(dest) if not dest.exists(): dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) suffix = f'.tmp.{socket.gethostname()}.{os.getpid()}' with renamed_upon_completion(dest, suffix=suffix) as tmp: blob.download_to_filename(tmp) return dest
def _format_dirpath(path): return path if path.endswith('/') else path + '/' def _blob_basename(blob, prefix): if prefix and return[len(prefix):] else: return def _combine_name_path(name, prefix=None): # Entire filename if prefix is None: parts = name.split('/') prefix_ = '/'.join(parts[:-1]) basename = parts[-1] return name, basename, _format_dirpath(prefix_) # Filename + prefix else: assert '/' not in name # should just be a file prefix_ = _format_dirpath(prefix) return prefix_ + name, name, prefix_