Source code for cedar.metadata.tracking
""" Classes and other core tools for tracking & image metadata
from collections import Mapping, defaultdict
import datetime as dt
import json
import logging
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
from .core import get_task_metadata
from .. import validation
from ..utils import EE_STATES
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_HERE = Path(__file__).resolve().parent
SCHEMA_TRACKING = _HERE.joinpath('schema_tracking.json')
SCHEMA_IMAGE = _HERE.joinpath('schema_image.json')
[docs]class TrackingMetadata(Mapping):
""" CEDAR order tracking metadata
metadata : dict
Tracking metadata information as a dict
schema : dict, optional
Validate metadata against a specific schema
def __init__(self, metadata, schema=None):
self._metadata = metadata
self.schema = schema or self._load_schema()
[docs] @classmethod
def from_file(cls, filename, schema=None):
""" Create from a tracking metadata file
with open(filename) as src:
metadata = json.load(src)
return cls(metadata, schema=schema)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_json(cls, json_str, schema=None):
""" Load tracking metadata from a JSON string
metadata = json.loads(json_str)
return cls(metadata, schema=schema)
# Mapping object requirements
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self._metadata[key]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._metadata)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self._metadata)
# Main sections -- make them available as attributes
def program(self):
return self['program']
def submission(self):
return self['submission']
def tracking(self):
return self['tracking']
def orders(self):
return self['orders']
def metadata(self):
return self['metadata']
def states(self):
""" dict: Summary of EE task status for this order
return summarize_states(self.orders)
def progress(self):
""" float: Percent of EE tasks completed in this order
states = self.states
n = sum(states.values())
n_completed = states.get(EE_STATES.COMPLETED, 0)
return n_completed / n if n_completed else 0.
def complete(self):
""" bool: True if all orders have completed
states = set(self.states)
done_or_empty = [state in (EE_STATES.COMPLETED, EE_STATES.EMPTY)
for state in states]
return all(done_or_empty)
def tasks(self):
""" List[ee.batch.Task]: EarthEngine tasks associated with this order
from ..utils import get_ee_tasks, load_ee
ee_api = load_ee(False) # should initialize elsewhere
tasks = get_ee_tasks()
order_tasks = [
tasks.get(order['status'].get('id', 'UNKNOWN'), None)
for order in self.orders
return order_tasks
[docs] def update(self, skip_if_missing=True):
""" Update the tracking metadata order info against EE task status
skip_if_missing : bool, optional
If True, logs and skips updating order information when the order
task cannot be retrieved.
Returns a new instance of this TrackingMetadata with updated info
updated = []
for task, order in zip(self.tasks, self.orders):
id_ = order['status'].get('id', 'UNKNOWN')
if task is None:
msg = f'Order task id="{id_}" does not exist or has expired'
if skip_if_missing:
raise ValueError(msg)
order_ = order.copy()
task_info = get_task_metadata(task)
data = dict(self)
data['orders'] = updated
return self.__class__(data)
# schema
[docs] def validate(self):
validation.validate_with_defaults(self._metadata, self.schema,
def _load_schema(filename=SCHEMA_TRACKING):
with open(str(filename)) as src:
return json.load(src)
# repr, printing, etc info
def __repr__(self):
return repr_tracking(self)
def _repr_html_(self):
return "CEDAR Tracking Metadata"
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# String repr
[docs]def repr_tracking(tracking_data,
show_program=True, show_submission=True, show_tracking=True,
show_states=True, show_runtimes=True,
""" Return string formatted information about CEDAR tracking metadata
lines = []
if show_program:
if show_submission:
if show_tracking:
# Top level order information is always added
if show_orders is not None:
# Handle 'True', which is shortcut to showing all order details
if show_orders is True:
show_orders = range(len(tracking_data['orders']))
# Otherwise expect sequence of order indexes (1st, 2nd, etc)
for order_id in show_orders:
order_md = tracking_data['orders'][order_id]
order_repr = repr_metadata_order(order_md, f'Order #{order_id}')
return '\n'.join(lines)
[docs]def repr_metadata_program(info, header='Program Info:'):
lines = _indent([
f'* {info["name"]}={info["version"]}',
f'* earthengine-api={info["ee"]}'
], n=1)
return [header] + lines
[docs]def repr_tracking_submission(info, header='Submission Info:'):
tile_indices = [f'({i[0]}, {i[1]})' for i in info['tile_indices']]
# Format subsection first so it can be added as a string
period_info_str = ['* Period:'] + _indent([
f'* Start: {info["period_start"]}',
f'* End: {info["period_end"]}',
f'* Freq: {info["period_freq"]}'
], n=2)
lines = _indent([
f'* Submitted on {info["submitted"]}',
f'* Tile Grid: "{info["tile_grid"]["name"]}"',
f'* Tile Indices : {", ".join(tile_indices)}',
return [header] + lines
[docs]def repr_tracking_tracking(info, header='Tracking Info'):
lines = _indent([
f'* Name: {info["name"]}',
f'* Prefix: {info["prefix"]}',
f'* Collections: {", ".join(info["collections"])}',
f'* Image template: {info["name_template"]}',
f'* Image prefix: {info["prefix_template"]}'
], n=1)
return [header] + lines
[docs]def repr_tracking_orders(info, show_states=True, show_runtimes=True,
lines = [f'* Count: {len(info)}']
if show_states:
states = summarize_states(info)
lines_ = [f'- {state}: {n}' for state, n in states.items()]
lines.append('* States:')
lines.extend(_indent(lines_, n=1))
if show_runtimes:
runtimes = summarize_runtimes(info)
mean = _format_runtime(runtimes['mean'])
std = _format_runtime(runtimes['std'])
line = f'* Runtime: {mean} +/- {std} minutes'
return [header] + _indent(lines)
[docs]def repr_metadata_order(info, header='Order:'):
summary = _summarize_order(info)
s_runtime = _format_runtime(summary['runtime'])
lines = _indent([
f'- Name: {summary["name"]}',
f'- Prefix: {summary["prefix"]}',
f'- ID: {summary["id"]}',
f'- Task state: {summary["state"]}',
f'- Runtime: {s_runtime} minutes',
f'- Image pieces: {summary["n_images"]}',
f'- Output URL: {summary["output_url"]}',
], n=1)
return [header] + lines
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Calculations
[docs]def calculate_order_runtime(start_time, update_time, nan=np.nan):
if start_time and update_time:
return update_time - start_time
elif start_time:
now =
return now - start_time
return nan
[docs]def summarize_states(orders):
""" Returns tallies of order task status
order_states = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
for order in orders:
order_states[order['status'].get('state', EE_STATES.EMPTY)] += 1
return dict(order_states)
[docs]def summarize_runtimes(orders):
""" Summarize runtimes of order tasks
runtimes = []
for order in orders:
start_ = order['status'].get('start_timestamp_ms', None)
update = order['status'].get('update_timestamp_ms', None)
runtime = calculate_order_runtime(start_, update) # nan if Nones
runtimes = np.asarray(runtimes)
mask = np.isfinite(runtimes)
any_ = mask.any()
return {
'runtimes': runtimes,
'total': np.sum(runtimes[mask]) if any_ else np.nan,
'n': runtimes.size,
'mean': np.mean(runtimes[mask]) if any_ else np.nan,
'std': np.std(runtimes[mask]) if any_ else np.nan
def _summarize_order(order):
status = order['status']
start_ = status.get('start_timestamp_ms', None)
update = status.get('update_timestamp_ms', None)
output_url = status.get('output_url', [])
summary = {
'name': order['name'],
'prefix': order['prefix'],
'id': status.get('id', 'UNKNOWN'),
'state': status.get('state', EE_STATES.EMPTY),
'runtime': calculate_order_runtime(start_, update, np.nan),
'n_images': len(output_url),
'output_url': list(set(output_url))
return summary
# Helpers
def _indent(lines, n=1, length=4):
return [' ' * n * length + line for line in lines]
def _format_runtime(time_ms):
if time_ms:
return '{0:02.2f}'.format(time_ms / 60. / 1000.)
return 'nan'