
xarray IO standards and helpers, chunks='auto', concat_dim=None, crs=None, **kwds)[source]

Open an xarray dataset (somewhat) intelligently

  • paths (str or List[str]) – Either a string glob in the form “path/to/my/files/*.nc” or an explicit list of files to open.

  • chunks ('auto', int or dict) – Number of chunks or the chunk size for each dimension. If ‘auto’, reads chunks from first file in paths and uses to guess an appropriate chunksize based on the most frequently used chunksize per dimension. Otherwise, pass chunks onto xr.open_mfdataset().

  • concat_dim (None, str, DataArray or Index, optional) – Dimension to concatenate files along. This argument is passed on to xarray.auto_combine() along with the dataset objects. You only need to provide this argument if the dimension along which you want to concatenate is not a dimension in the original datasets, e.g., if you want to stack a collection of 2D arrays along a third dimension. By default, xarray attempts to infer this argument by examining component files. Set concat_dim=None explicitly to disable concatenation.

  • crs (, int, or str, optional) – Coordinate reference system to assign, if not already georeferenced. If type is not CRS, will be converted using plants.gis.convert.to_crs().

  • kwds (optional) – Options passed to xarray.open_mfdataset()


Multi-file dataset

Return type



IOError – Raise if paths does not parse into any filenames (e.g., a bad glob), x, count, dtype, crs=None, nodata=-9999, dim_band='band')[source]

A raster map with count bands :param y: Y coordinates :type y: array-like :param x: X coordinates :type x: array-like :param count: Number of bands :type count: int :param dtype: Data type :type dtype: np.dtype :param crs: Optionally, give the raster a CRS :type crs: CRS, optional :param nodata: No Data Value to initialize data with :type nodata: float or int


3D (band, y, x,) “map” to write data into

Return type
