Source code for stems.utils

import collections
import contextlib
import errno
import fnmatch
import functools
import importlib
import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path
import re
import shutil

import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# ============================================================================
[docs]def to_number(string): """ Convert string to most appropriate number """ try: n = int(string) except ValueError: n = float(string) return n
[docs]def list_like(obj): """ Return True if ``obj`` is list-like List-like includes lists, tuples, and numpy.ndarrays, but not other sequences like str or Mapping. Parameters ---------- obj : object An object Returns ------- bool True if ``obj`` is a list (sequence but not str) """ return (hasattr(obj, '__iter__') and not isinstance(obj, and not isinstance(obj, str))
[docs]def squeeze(l): """ Squeeze Sequences with 1 item into a scalar Parameters ---------- l : Sequence List, tuple, etc Returns ------- object Either original object if ``len(l) != 1`` else ``l[0]`` """ return l[0] if len(l) == 1 else l
[docs]def concat_lists(l): """ Concatenate all list-like items in ``l`` Parameters ---------- l : list or tuple Sequence (but not a str) Yields ------ list Concatenated list items See Also -------- toolz.concat Similar function, but concatenates all iterables flatten_lists Recursive version of this function """ for ele in l: if list_like(ele): for i in ele: yield i else: yield ele
[docs]def flatten_lists(l): """ Flatten all list-like items in ``l`` Parameters ---------- l : list or tuple Sequence (but not a str) Yields ------ list Flattened list items """ for ele in l: if list_like(ele): for i in flatten_lists(ele): yield i else: yield ele
[docs]def update_nested(d, other): """ Update a potentially nested dict with another Parameters ---------- d : dict Dictionary to update other : dict Other dict with replacement values Returns ------- dict Updated dict """ d_ = d.copy() for k, v in other.items(): d_v = d.get(k, {}) if (isinstance(v, and isinstance(d_v, d_[k] = update_nested(d.get(k, {}) or {}, v) else: d_[k] = v return d_
[docs]class FrozenKeyDict( """ A dict that doesn't allow new keys """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): self._data = collections.OrderedDict(*args, **kwds) super(FrozenKeyDict, self).__init__() def __getitem__(self, key): return self._data[key] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self: raise KeyError('Cannot create new keys') self._data[key] = value def __delitem__(self, key): raise KeyError('Cannot delete keys') def __iter__(self): return iter(self._data) def __len__(self): return len(self._data) def __repr__(self): return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self._data))
[docs] def copy(self): return FrozenKeyDict(**self)
# ============================================================================ # STANDARD LIBRARY HELPERS # ============================================================================
[docs]def cached_property(prop): """ Cache a class property (e.g., that requires a lookup) """ prop_name = f'_{prop.__name__}' @functools.wraps(prop) def wrapper(self): if not hasattr(self, prop_name): setattr(self, prop_name, prop(self)) return getattr(self, prop_name) return property(wrapper)
[docs]def register_multi_singledispatch(func, types): """ Register multiple types for singledispatch Parameters ---------- func : callable Function types : tuple Multiple types to register Returns ------- func : callable Decorated function """ if not hasattr(func, 'registry'): raise TypeError("Function must be dispatchable (missing " "`func.registry` from wrapping with `singledispatch`)") def decorate(dispatch_func): for type_ in types: dispatch_func = func.register(type_, dispatch_func) return dispatch_func return decorate
# ============================================================================ # MODULE HELPERS # ============================================================================
[docs]def find_subclasses(cls_): """ Find subclasses of an object Parameters ---------- cls_ : class A Python class Returns ------- set[class] Classes that inherit from ``cls_`` """ subcls = set() for sub in cls_.__subclasses__(): subsub = find_subclasses(sub) subcls.add(sub) subcls.update(subsub) return subcls
[docs]def import_object(string): """ Import a Python module/class/function from its string Parameters ---------- string : str A Python object path Returns ------- object The imported object (class/module/function) """ parts = string.split('.') module, item = '.'.join(parts[:-1]), parts[-1] try: mod = importlib.import_module(module) return getattr(mod, item) except (ImportError, AttributeError) as e: logger.exception(f'Could not import and find object "{string}"') raise
# ============================================================================ # NUMPY HELPERS # ============================================================================
[docs]def np_promote_all_types(*dtypes): """ Return the largest NumPy datatype required to hold all types Parameters ---------- dtypes : iterable NumPy datatypes to promote Returns ------- np.dtype Smallest NumPy datatype required to store all input datatypes See Also -------- np.promote_types """ dtype = dtypes[0] if not all([dt == dtype for dt in dtypes[1:]]): logger.debug('Promoting memory allocation to largest datatype of ' 'source bands') for _dtype in dtypes[1:]: dtype = np.promote_types(dtype, _dtype) return dtype
[docs]def dtype_info(arr): """Return integer or float dtype info Parameters ---------- arr : np.ndarray Array Returns ------- numpy.core.getlimits.finfo or numpy.core.getlimits.iinfo NumPy type information Raises ------ TypeError Raised if ``arr`` is not a int or float type """ if arr.dtype.kind == 'i': return np.iinfo(arr.dtype) elif arr.dtype.kind == 'f': return np.finfo(arr.dtype) else: raise TypeError('Only valid for NumPy int or float ' f'(got "{arr.dtype.kind}")')
# ============================================================================ # FILE HELPERS # ============================================================================
[docs]def find(location, pattern, regex=False): """ Return a sorted list of files matching pattern Parameters ---------- location : str or pathlib.Path Directory location to search pattern : str Search pattern for files regex : bool True if ``pattern`` is a regular expression Returns -------- list List of file paths for files found """ if not regex: pattern = fnmatch.translate(pattern) regex = re.compile(pattern) files = [] for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(str(location)): for filename in filenames: if files.append(os.path.join(root, filename)) return sorted(files)
[docs]def relative_to(one, two): """ Return the relative path of a file compared to another Parameters ---------- one : str or Path File to return relative path for two : str or Path File ``one`` will be relative to Returns ------- Path Relative path of ``one`` """ one, two = Path(one), Path(two).absolute() # Ensure could be a file (is_file or doesn't exist yet) assert one.is_file() or not one.exists() assert two.is_file() or not two.exists() root = os.path.abspath(os.sep) for parent in one.absolute().parents: if parent in two.parents: root = parent break fwd = one.absolute().relative_to(root) bwd = ('..', ) * (len(two.relative_to(root).parents) - 1) return Path('.').joinpath(*bwd).joinpath(fwd)
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def renamed_upon_completion(destination, tmpdir=None, prefix='', suffix=None): """ Help save/write to file and move upon completion Parameters ---------- destination : str or Path The final intended location of the file tmpdir : str, optional By default, this function will yield a temporary filename in the same directory as ``destination``, but you may specify another location using ``tmpdir``. prefix : str, optional Characters to prefix the temporary file with suffix : str, optional Characters to add at the end of the temporary filename. By default appends ".tmp." and the process ID Yields ------ str A temporary filename to use during writing/saving/etc """ destination = Path(destination) assert not destination.is_dir() if tmpdir is None: tmpdir = destination.parent else: tmpdir = Path(tmpdir) assert tmpdir.is_dir() if suffix is None: suffix = f'.tmp.{os.getpid()}' tmpfile = tmpdir.joinpath(f'{prefix}{}{suffix}') # Yield tmpfile name for user to use for saving/etc logger.debug(f'Providing "{tmpfile}" as write location') yield str(tmpfile) # We're back -- rename/move the tmpfile to ``destination`` logger.debug(f'Renaming/moving file {tmpfile}->{destination}') # `shutil.move` supports move, or copy if on different device/partition shutil.move(str(tmpfile), str(destination))