Source code for stems.tests.test_utils

""" Tests for :py:mod:`stems.utils`
import collections
from functools import singledispatch
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pytest

from stems import utils
from stems.compat import toolz

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# to_number
[docs]def test_to_number_1(): with pytest.raises(ValueError): utils.to_number('asdf') assert utils.to_number('5') == 5 assert utils.to_number('5.') == 5.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # list_like
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize(('obj', 'ans', ), ( ('str', False), (tuple('str'), True), (list('str'), True), (np.array([5, 4]), True), ({}, False), (object, False), (123, False) )) def test_list_like(obj, ans): assert utils.list_like(obj) == ans
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # squeeze
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize(('obj', 'ans'), ( ([0], 0), ([1, 2], [1, 2]), ([[1]], [1]) )) def test_squeeze(obj, ans): assert utils.squeeze(obj) == ans
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # concat_lists
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize(('obj', 'ans', ), ( ([0, 1], [0, 1]), ([0, [1]], [0, 1]), ([0, [1], [['abc']]], [0, 1, ['abc']]), ([0, [1], [[1]], ['abc']], [0, 1, [1], 'abc']) )) def test_concat_lists_1(obj, ans): assert list(utils.concat_lists(obj)) == ans
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # flatten_lists
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize(('obj', 'ans', ), ( ([0, 1], [0, 1]), ([0, [1]], [0, 1]), ([0, [1], ['abc']], [0, 1, 'abc']), ([0, [1], [[1]], ['abc']], [0, 1, 1, 'abc']) )) def test_flatten_lists_1(obj, ans): assert list(utils.flatten_lists(obj)) == ans
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # update_nested
[docs]def test_update_nested(): d = { 'a': { 'a': 'A', 'b': 'B' }, 'b': 'B', 'c': { 'c': 'C' } } o = { 'a': { 'b': 'BEE' }, 'c': { 'd': 'DEE' } } ans = utils.update_nested(d, o) assert ans is not d # new dict assert ans['a']['b'] == 'BEE' assert ans['a']['a'] == 'A' assert ans['b'] == 'B' assert ans['c']['c'] == 'C' assert ans['c']['d'] == 'DEE'
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # FrozenKeyDict
[docs]def test_FrozenKeyDict_init(): d = {'a': 5, 'b': 6} # keywords d_ = utils.FrozenKeyDict(a=5, b=6) assert d_ == d # keyword arguments d_ = utils.FrozenKeyDict(**d) assert d_ == d # dict d_ = utils.FrozenKeyDict(d) assert d_ == d
[docs]def test_FrozenKeyDict_1(): d = utils.FrozenKeyDict(a=5, b='bee') assert isinstance(d, assert d['a'] == 5 and d['b'] == 'bee' assert len(d) == 2 assert sorted([k for k in d]) == ['a', 'b'] repr_ = repr(d) assert repr_.startswith('FrozenKeyDict') assert repr(collections.OrderedDict(d)) in repr_ d['a'] = 'five' assert d['a'] == 'five' with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r'Cannot create new keys.*'): d['c'] = 6 with pytest.raises(KeyError, match=r'Cannot delete keys'): del d['a'] assert 'a' in d d2 = d.copy() assert d2 is not d assert d2 == d
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cached_property
[docs]def test_cached_property(): # Test class -> creates new list if not cached class A(object): @utils.cached_property def a(self): # should be same list return [5, 10, 15] @property def b(self): return [5, 10, 15] test = A() a = test.a assert a == test.a assert a is test.a assert a == test.b assert a is not test.b
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # register_multi_singledispatch
[docs]def test_register_multi_singledispatch(): # test function @singledispatch def test(a): raise TypeError(f'No such function for type {type(a)}') @utils.register_multi_singledispatch(test, (int, float, str)) def _test_scalar(a): return 'scalar' @test.register(list) def _test_list(a): return 'list' @utils.register_multi_singledispatch(test, (set, tuple)) def _test_immut(a): return 'immut' assert len(test.registry) == 7 assert test(5) == 'scalar' assert test(5.0) == 'scalar' assert test('five') == 'scalar' assert test([]) == 'list' assert test(tuple()) == 'immut' assert test(set()) == 'immut'
[docs]def test_register_multi_singledispatch_fail_1(): def f(): return 0 with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'Function must be dispatchable.*'): @utils.register_multi_singledispatch(f, int) def nope(): return 0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # np_promote_all_types
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize(('types', 'ans', ), ( ((np.float64, np.float32, np.bool, ), np.float64), ((np.float64, np.int32, np.bool, ), np.float64), ((np.float32, np.float16, np.bool, ), np.float32), ((np.uint32, np.int32, np.byte, ), np.int64), )) def test_np_promote_all_types(types, ans): test = utils.np_promote_all_types(*types) assert test == ans
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # dtype_info def _dtype_info_eq(a, b): if type(a) == type(b): attrs = [attr for attr in dir(a) if not attr.startswith('_')] if all([getattr(a, attr) == getattr(b, attr) for attr in attrs]): return True return False
[docs]def test_dtype_info(): a = np.arange(10) # "Good" usage for dt in (np.int32, np.float32, np.byte): dt = np.dtype(dt) test = utils.dtype_info(a.astype(dt)) ans = np.iinfo(dt) if dt.kind == 'i' else np.finfo(dt) assert _dtype_info_eq(test, ans)
[docs]def test_dtype_info_errors(): a = np.arange(10) # Exceptions for dt in (np.bool, np.complex, np.datetime64): dt = np.dtype(dt) with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=r'Only valid for NumPy.*'): utils.dtype_info(a.astype(dt))
# ============================================================================ # FILE HELPERS # ============================================================================ # find
[docs]def test_find(tmpdir): # Setup files = [ tmpdir.join('no', 'test.txt'), tmpdir.join('asdf', 'asdf.yaml'), tmpdir.join('no', 'asdf', 'nope', 'uh.txt') ] for f in files: p = [p for p in if not p.exists()][:-1] for p_ in p: p_.mkdir() f.write('test') # Find files -- no regex ans = utils.find(str(tmpdir), '*.txt', regex=False) assert len(ans) == 2 ans = utils.find(str(tmpdir), 'asdf*', regex=False) assert len(ans) == 1 # Find -- regex ans = utils.find(str(tmpdir), '^asdf$') assert len(ans) == 0 ans = utils.find(str(tmpdir), '.*txt') assert len(ans) == 2
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # relative_to
[docs]def test_relative_to(): # Test simple tif = Path('.').joinpath('a', 'data', 'dir', 'test.tif') dst = Path('out.vrt') p = utils.relative_to(tif, dst) assert str(p) == str(tif) # Backout and forward tif = Path('.').joinpath('some', 'subfolder', 'red.tif') dst = Path('.').joinpath('another', 'output', 'out.vrt') p = utils.relative_to(tif, dst) truth = Path('.').joinpath('..', '..', 'some', 'subfolder', 'red.tif') assert str(p) == str(truth)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # renamed_upon_completion
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize('kwds', ( {'prefix': '', 'suffix': '.tmp'}, {'prefix': '_', 'suffix': ''}, {'prefix': '', 'suffix': ''} )) def test_renamed_upon_completion_1(tmpdir, kwds): d = tmpdir.mkdir('results') dest = str(d.join('')) kwds_ = toolz.merge(kwds, {'tmpdir': None}) with utils.renamed_upon_completion(dest, **kwds_) as tmpfile: # Should be a str assert isinstance(tmpfile, str) # Should start/end according to args p = Path(tmpfile) if kwds_['prefix']: assert['prefix']) if kwds_['suffix']: assert['suffix']) # Should be in the same directory as the destination ``d`` assert p.parent == Path(str(d)) # Write to the tmpfile with open(tmpfile, 'w') as f: f.write('hello') # Should exist at destination now assert Path(str(dest)).exists()
[docs]def test_renamed_upon_completion_tmpdir(tmpdir): d = tmpdir.mkdir('results') dest = str(d.join('')) # Should also work as a Path tmpdir_ = Path(str(tmpdir)) with utils.renamed_upon_completion(dest, tmpdir=tmpdir_) as tmpfile: p = Path(tmpfile) # The tmpfile should be ``tmpdir``, not ``d`` assert p.parent == tmpdir_ with open(tmpfile, 'w') as f: f.write('hello') # Should exist at destination now assert Path(dest).exists()
# ============================================================================ # IMPORT / MODULE HELPERS # ============================================================================ # find_subclasses
[docs]def test_find_subclasses(): class A(object): pass class B(A): pass class C(B): pass class D(B): pass subcls = utils.find_subclasses(A) assert all([cls_ in subcls for cls_ in (B, C, D)])
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # import_object
[docs]def test_import_object_1(): import collections test = utils.import_object('') assert test is
[docs]def test_import_object_exception(): with pytest.raises(ImportError): utils.import_object('not.a.module')