Source code for stems.tests.build_data

""" Test data simulation helpers
from affine import Affine
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import rasterio
from import CRS
from rasterio.enums import ColorInterp
import xarray as xr

BANDS_BGRN = ['blu', 'grn', 'red', 'nir']

# =============================================================================
# GDAL / Rasterio
def create_test_raster(dst='test.tif',
                       driver='GTiff', count=4, dtype='int16',
                       height=7, width=11,
                       blockysize=5, blockxsize=11,
                       transform=Affine(30., 0., 100., 0., -30., 200)):
    """ Create a random raster file for testing

        Filename to raster
        Rasterio metadata used to write image
        All relevant metadata
    meta = {
        'driver': driver,
        'count': count,
        'dtype': dtype,
        'height': height,
        'width': width,
        'blockxsize': blockxsize,  # will be width since <256
        'blockysize': blockysize,
        'nodata': nodata,
        'crs': crs,
        'transform': transform,

    # Create data
    shape = (meta['count'], meta['height'], meta['width'], )
    dat = np.random.randint(0, 10, shape).astype(meta['dtype'])

    # Create descriptions
    desc = list(['b_%d' % b for b in range(count)])
    # Create color interpretation
    colorinterp = list(ColorInterp(i) for i in range(5, 5 + count))

    # Write to file
    with, 'w', **meta) as dst_:
        dst_.descriptions = desc
        dst_.colorinterp = colorinterp
        bounds = dst_.bounds

    # Add remaining metadata
    meta_ = meta.copy()
        'shape': shape,
        'dat': dat,
        'description': desc,
        'colorinterp': colorinterp,
        'bounds': bounds

    return dst, meta, meta_

[docs]def chop_test_image(tmpdir, src_fname): files = {'all': src_fname} with as src: midx, midy = int(src.width // 2), int(src.height // 2) quarters = { 'ul': ((0, midx), (0, midy)), 'ur': ((midx, src.width), (0, midy)), 'll': ((0, midx), (midy, src.height)), 'lr': ((midx, src.width), (midy, src.height)) } meta_ = src.meta.copy() for name, (xwin, ywin) in quarters.items(): meta_['width'] = xwin[1] - xwin[0] meta_['height'] = ywin[1] - ywin[0] fname = str(tmpdir.join(name + '.tif')) _meta = meta_.copy() window =[0], ywin[0], xwin[1], ywin[1]) _meta['transform'] = window, meta_['transform'] ) with, 'w', **_meta) as dst_qrt: dat = dst_qrt.write(dat) files[name] = fname return files
# ============================================================================= # NetCDF4 def create_test_dataset(compute=False, data_vars=BANDS_BGRN, dtype='int16', ny=7, nx=11, ntime=100, chunk_y=3, chunk_x=5, chunk_time=25, nodata=-1234, crs=CRS.from_epsg(32619), transform=Affine(30., 0., 100., 0., -30., 200)): """ Create a test xarray.Dataset """ from stems.gis import conventions, coords, projections # y/x dim names dim_x, dim_y = projections.cf_xy_coord_names(crs) # Create coordinates y, x = coords.transform_to_coords(transform, width=nx, height=ny) time = pd.date_range('2000-01-01', '2010-01-01', periods=ntime).values # Create georeferencing y_, x_ = conventions.create_coordinates(y, x, crs) grid_mapping = conventions.create_grid_mapping(crs, transform, 'crs') # Create data data = {} dims=(dim_y, dim_x, 'time', ) coords = {dim_y: y_, dim_x: x_, 'time': time, 'crs': grid_mapping} chunks = {dim_y: chunk_y, dim_x: chunk_x, 'time': chunk_time} for dv in data_vars: dat = np.random.randint(0, 10, (ny, nx, ntime)).astype(dtype) xarr = xr.DataArray(dat, dims=dims, coords=coords, name=dv) data[dv] = xarr.chunk(chunks) # Create XArray xarr = xr.Dataset(data) return xarr def create_test_netcdf4(dst='', data_vars=BANDS_BGRN, dtype='int16', ny=7, nx=11, ntime=100, chunk_y=3, chunk_x=5, chunk_time=25, nodata=-1234, crs=CRS.from_epsg(32619), transform=Affine(30., 0., 100., 0., -30., 200)): """ Create a test xarray.Dataset and write it to a NetCDF4 file """ xarr = create_test_dataset( data_vars=data_vars, dtype=dtype, ny=ny, nx=nx, ntime=ntime, chunk_y=chunk_y, chunk_x=chunk_x, chunk_time=chunk_time, nodata=nodata, crs=crs, transform=transform ) chunks = {'y': chunk_y, 'x': chunk_x, 'time': chunk_time} encoding = { dv: { 'chunksizes': tuple(chunks.get(d) for d in xarr[dv].dims) } for dv in data_vars } xarr.to_netcdf(dst, encoding=encoding) return dst