Source code for stems.masking

""" Helpers with data masks (clouds, qa/qc, etc)



from functools import singledispatch
import logging

import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from xarray.core.computation import apply_ufunc

from .compat import toolz as tz
from .utils import register_multi_singledispatch

[docs]@singledispatch def checkbit(data, offset, width=1, value=3): """ Unpack a bit into True/False Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray, da.Array, xr.DataArray Bitpacked array data offset : int Bit offset width : int, optional Width of bitpacking (e.g., 1=>[0, 1], 2=>[0, 1, 2, 3]) value : int, optional If ``width > 1``, specify the value required to be True (e.g., 3 for 'high', 2 for 'medium', etc. in some codings) Returns ------- array-like, dtype=bool True or False value of unpacked bit(s) """ raise TypeError('Only supported for NumPy/Dask arrays or xarray.DataArray')
@checkbit.register(np.ndarray) def _checkbit_nparray(data, offset, width=1, value=3): if data.dtype.kind != 'i': data = data.astype(int) if width == 1: return (np.right_shift(data, offset) & 0x01) == 1 elif width == 2: return (np.right_shift(data,offset) & 0x03) >= value else: raise ValueError("Only works on 1-2 bit sizes") @checkbit.register(da.Array) def _checkbit_darray(data, offset, width=1, value=3): return da.map_blocks(_checkbit_nparray, data, offset, width=width, value=value, # kwargs to function dtype=bool) @checkbit.register(xr.DataArray) def _checkbit_xarray(data, offset, width=1, value=3): return xr.apply_ufunc( checkbit, data, dask='allowed', kwargs={'offset': offset, 'width': width, 'value': value} )
[docs]@singledispatch def bitpack_to_coding(bitpack, bitinfo, fill=0, dtype=None): """ Unpack a bipacked QA/QC band to some coding (e.g. CFMask) Parameters ---------- bitpack : np.ndarray, dask.array.Array, or xr.DataArray Bitpacked data bitinfo : Dict[int, Sequence[Tuple[Int, Int, Int]] A dict mapping output codes to bit unpacking info(s) (offsets, widths, and values) for use in unpacking. Should be ordered in order of preference with values listed first possibly overwriting later ones fill : int, float, etc, optional Fill value to initialize array with (e.g., your "clear" value, since qa/qc bands usually indicate issues with data) dtype : np.dtype, optional Output NumPy datatype. If ``None``, output will be same datatype as input ``bitpack`` Returns ------- array CFmask look-alike array """ raise TypeError('Only supported for NumPy/Dask arrays or xarray.DataArray')
@bitpack_to_coding.register(np.ndarray) def _bitpack_to_coding_nparray(bitpack, bitinfo, fill=0, dtype=None): coding_ = np.full_like(bitpack, fill, dtype=dtype) for code, offsets in reversed(list(bitinfo.items())): for offset in offsets: unpack = checkbit(bitpack, *offset) coding_[unpack] = code return coding_ @bitpack_to_coding.register(da.Array) def _bitpack_to_coding_darray(bitpack, bitinfo, fill=0, dtype=None): func = tz.curry(_bitpack_to_coding_nparray)(dtype=dtype, fill=fill) coding_ = da.map_blocks( func, bitpack, bitinfo, dtype=dtype) # this dtype goes to da.map_blocks return coding_ @bitpack_to_coding.register(xr.DataArray) def _bitpack_to_coding_xrarray(bitpack, bitinfo, fill=0, dtype=None): out = xr.core.computation.apply_ufunc( bitpack_to_coding, bitpack, dask='allowed', kwargs={'bitinfo': bitinfo, 'fill': fill, 'dtype': dtype} ) out.attrs['bitinfo'] = bitinfo return out