Source code for

""" Tests for :py:mod:``
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
import xarray as xr

from import encoding

# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# default_encoding
[docs]def test_default_encoding_dataarray(tmpdir, dataset_11w7h100t4v): data_vars = list(dataset_11w7h100t4v.data_vars.keys()) for dv in data_vars: xarr = dataset_11w7h100t4v[dv] enc = encoding.netcdf_encoding(xarr) # ensure variable in encoding assert dv in enc # ensure dtype is correct assert enc[dv]['dtype'] == xarr.dtype # ensure chunking is correct assert enc[dv]['chunksizes'] == (3, 5, 25) # no nodata so no _FillValue assert '_FillValue' not in enc[dv] # compression by default assert 'complevel' in enc[dv] assert enc[dv]['zlib'] is True # Test that integrates with xarray / actually works dataset_11w7h100t4v.to_netcdf(str(tmpdir.join('')), encoding=enc)
def test_default_encoding_dataset(tmpdir, dataset_11w7h100t4v): enc = encoding.netcdf_encoding(dataset_11w7h100t4v) # Check for dv in dataset_11w7h100t4v.data_vars: enc_ = enc[dv] # ensure dtype is correct assert enc_['dtype'] == dataset_11w7h100t4v[dv].dtype # ensure chunking is correct assert enc[dv]['chunksizes'] == (3, 5, 25) # no nodata so no _FillValue assert '_FillValue' not in enc[dv] # compression by default assert 'complevel' in enc[dv] assert enc[dv]['zlib'] is True # Test that integrates with xarray / actually works dataset_11w7h100t4v.to_netcdf(str(tmpdir.join('')), encoding=enc)
[docs]def test_default_encoding_dataset(tmpdir, dataset_11w7h100t4v): data_vars = list(dataset_11w7h100t4v.data_vars.keys()) chunks = {'y': 5, 'x': 2, 'time': 20} nodata = dict(zip(data_vars, range(len(data_vars)))) enc = encoding.netcdf_encoding( dataset_11w7h100t4v, chunks=chunks, zlib=False, nodata=nodata ) # Check for dv in data_vars: enc_ = enc[dv] # ensure dtype is correct assert enc_['dtype'] == dataset_11w7h100t4v[dv].dtype # ensure chunking is correct assert enc[dv]['chunksizes'] == (5, 2, 20) # _FillValue different in each variable assert enc[dv]['_FillValue'] == nodata[dv] # compression by default assert enc[dv]['zlib'] is False # Test that integrates with xarray / actually works dataset_11w7h100t4v.to_netcdf(str(tmpdir.join('')), encoding=enc)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # encoding_name
[docs]def test_encoding_name(): xarr = xr.DataArray(np.ones(5)) assert encoding.encoding_name(xarr) == xr.backends.api.DATAARRAY_VARIABLE = 'test' assert encoding.encoding_name(xarr) == 'test'
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # encoding_dtype
[docs]@pytest.mark.parametrize('dtype', (np.int16, np.float32, np.byte, np.datetime64)) def test_encoding_dtype(dtype): xarr = xr.DataArray(np.ones(5, ).astype(dtype)) ans = encoding.encoding_dtype(xarr) assert ans == {'dtype': xarr.dtype}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # encoding_chunksizes
[docs]def test_encoding_chunksizes_None(): chunks = (10, 10, ) xarr = xr.DataArray(da.ones((100, 100), chunks=chunks)) ans = encoding.encoding_chunksizes(xarr, chunks=None) assert ans == chunks
[docs]def test_encoding_chunksizes_dict(): chunks = (10, 10, ) xarr = xr.DataArray(da.ones((100, 100), chunks=chunks)) chunks_ = {dim: 50 for dim in xarr.dims} ans = encoding.encoding_chunksizes(xarr, chunks=chunks_) assert ans == (50, ) * xarr.ndim
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # guard_chunksizes
[docs]def test_guard_chunksizes(): chunks = (10, 10, ) xarr = xr.DataArray(da.ones((100, 100), chunks=chunks)) # Test too big ans = encoding.guard_chunksizes(xarr, (200, 200, )) assert ans == xarr.shape # Test passing sizes (no change) ans = encoding.guard_chunksizes(xarr, chunks) assert ans == chunks
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # guard_chunksizes_str
[docs]def test_guard_chunksizes_str(): # 1D (but really 2D in NetCDF world) array of character xarr = xr.DataArray(np.repeat(['asdf'], 5)) # Should get 2D of chunks out for 1D in # (since stored as multiple 1D arrays) chunks = (1, ) test = encoding.guard_chunksizes_str(xarr, chunks) assert len(test) == 2 assert test[0] == 1 and test[1] == xarr.dtype.itemsize # If object type, just punt chunks = (1, ) test = encoding.guard_chunksizes_str(xarr.astype(object), chunks) assert len(test) == 0
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # guard_dtype
[docs]def test_guard_dtype(): # some float dtype = np.float32 xarr = xr.DataArray(np.ones(5, ).astype(dtype)) ans = encoding.guard_dtype(xarr, {'dtype': xarr.dtype}) assert ans == {'dtype': dtype} # datetime should be ignored dtype = np.datetime64 xarr = xr.DataArray(np.ones(5, ).astype(dtype)) ans = encoding.guard_dtype(xarr, {'dtype': xarr.dtype}) assert ans == {}