Source code for stems.gis.tests.test_gis_geohash

""" Tests for :py:mod:`stems.gis.geohash`
import dask.array as da
import numpy as np
import pytest
from import CRS
import xarray as xr

from stems.gis import geohash

needs_geohash = pytest.importorskip('geohash')

CRS_4326 = CRS.from_epsg(4326)
EXAMPLES = pytest.mark.parametrize(('yx', 'crs', 'hash_'), [
    ((42.37453, -71.03193), None, 'drt3pdh1s'),
    ((4693360.95, 332707.50), CRS.from_epsg(32619), 'drt3pdh1s'),
    ((-3.733313, -73.249991), CRS_4326, '6r7fv0kgz'),

[docs]@EXAMPLES def test_geohash_encode(yx, crs, hash_): z_max = len(hash_) for z in range(z_max, 0, -1): ans = geohash.geohash_encode(yx[0], yx[1], crs=crs, precision=z) assert ans.item() == hash_[:z]
[docs]@EXAMPLES def test_geohash_decode(yx, crs, hash_): ys, xs = geohash.geohash_decode(hash_, crs=crs) # error is ~6.8e-4 in lat/lon or ~5m for 9 length # # if crs is None or crs == CRS_4326: err = 6.8e-4 else: err = 5 assert abs(ys - yx[0]) < err assert abs(xs - yx[1]) < err
param_precision = pytest.mark.parametrize('precision', [8, 10, 12]) param_lat = pytest.mark.parametrize('lat', [da.arange(40, 41, 0.05)]) param_lon = pytest.mark.parametrize('lon', [da.arange(-72, -71, 0.05)])
[docs]@param_precision @param_lat @param_lon def test_geohash_dask(precision, lat, lon): # Test running as dask gh = geohash.geohash_encode(lat, lon, precision=precision) assert isinstance(gh, da.Array) gh_ = np.array(gh) # Should be same as run with ndarray compare = geohash.geohash_encode(np.array(lat), np.array(lon), precision=precision) np.testing.assert_equal(np.array(gh_), np.array(compare)) # Should work both ways lat_, lon_ = geohash.geohash_decode(gh) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(lat), np.array(lat_), decimal=precision // 3) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(lon), np.array(lon_), decimal=precision // 3)
[docs]@param_precision @param_lat @param_lon def test_geohash_xarray(precision, lat, lon): lat, lon = xr.DataArray(lat), xr.DataArray(lon) # Test running as dask gh = geohash.geohash_encode(lat, lon, precision=precision) assert isinstance(gh, xr.DataArray) gh_ = np.array(gh) # Should be same as run with ndarray compare = geohash.geohash_encode(np.array(lat), np.array(lon), precision=precision) np.testing.assert_equal(np.array(gh_), np.array(compare)) # Should work both ways lat_, lon_ = geohash.geohash_decode(gh) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(lat), np.array(lat_), decimal=precision // 3) np.testing.assert_almost_equal(np.array(lon), np.array(lon_), decimal=precision // 3) # Should work as scalar gh = geohash.geohash_encode(lat[0], lon[0], precision=precision) assert isinstance(gh, xr.DataArray) np.testing.assert_equal(gh.values, gh_[0])