Source code for stems.gis.projections

""" Projection handling - OSGEO/Rasterio, CF/NetCDF, and Cartopy

See Also


from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import singledispatch
import logging

from import CRS
from osgeo import osr

from .utils import crs2osr
from .. import errors

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

#: dict: Mapping between OGC WKT <-> CF projection names
    'Albers_Conic_Equal_Area': 'albers_conic_equal_area',
    'Azimuthal_Equidistant': 'azimuthal_equidistant',
    'Lambert_Azimuthal_Equal_Area': 'lambert_azimuthal_equal_area',
    # ...
    'Sinusoidal': 'sinusoidal',
    'Transverse_Mercator': 'transverse_mercator',

#: dict: Mapping between CF <-> OGC WKT projection parameters for projections
    'albers_conic_equal_area': (
        ('latitude_of_projection_origin', 'latitude_of_center'),
        ('longitude_of_central_meridian', 'longitude_of_center'),
        ('standard_parallel', ('standard_parallel_1', 'standard_parallel_2')),
        ('false_easting', 'false_easting'),
        ('false_northing', 'false_northing'),
    'lambert_azimuthal_equal_area': (
        ('longitude_of_projection_origin', 'longitude_of_center'),
        ('latitude_of_projection_origin', 'latitude_of_center'),
        ('false_easting', 'false_easting'),
        ('false_northing', 'false_northing'),
    'transverse_mercator': (
        ('latitude_of_projection_origin', 'latitude_of_origin'),
        ('longitude_of_central_meridian', 'central_meridian'),
        ('scale_factor_at_central_meridian', 'scale_factor'),
        ('false_easting', 'false_easting'),
        ('false_northing', 'false_northing'),
    'universal_transverse_mercator': (
        ('utm_zone_number', 'utm_zone_number')
    'sinusoidal': (
        ('longitude_of_central_meridian', 'central_meridian'),
        ('false_northing', 'false_northing'),
        ('false_easting', 'false_easting'),
    'latitude_longitude': (),  # None

#: tuple: Mapping between CF <-> OGC WKT projection attribute name definitions
    ('horizontal_datum_name', 'GEOGCS|DATUM'),
    ('reference_ellipsoid_name', 'GEOGCS|DATUM|SPHEROID'),
    ('towgs84', 'GEOGCS|DATUM|TOWGS84'),
    ('prime_meridian_name', 'GEOGCS|PRIMEM')

#: tuple: mapping from CF ellipsoid parameter to SpatialReference method calls
    ('semi_major_axis', 'GetSemiMajor'),
    ('semi_minor_axis', 'GetSemiMinor'),
    ('inverse_flattening', 'GetInvFlattening')
# TODO: support more...
# TODO: Cartopy mappings

# ============================================================================
# EPSG code
[docs]@singledispatch def epsg_code(crs): """Return EPSG code for a CRS Parameters ---------- crs : CRS or osr.SpatialReference Coordinate reference system defined by an EPSG code Returns ------- str EPSG code string Raises ------ ValueError Raised if projection does not correspond to an EPSG code """ raise TypeError('Input `crs` needs to be rasterio `CRS` or ' 'osr `SpatialReference`')
@epsg_code.register(osr.SpatialReference) def _epsg_code_osr(crs): try: status = crs.AutoIdentifyEPSG() except RuntimeError as e: raise ValueError('Cannot decode EPSG code from CRS') else: if status == 0: auth = crs.GetAuthorityName(None) code = crs.GetAuthorityCode(None) return '%s:%s' % (auth.lower(), code) @epsg_code.register(CRS) def _epsg_code_rasterio(crs): osr_crs = crs2osr(crs) return _epsg_code_osr(osr_crs)
[docs]def crs_longname(crs): """ Return name of a CRS / ellipsoid pair Parameters ---------- crs : CRS Returns ------- str Lowercase projection name (see keys of :py:data:`CF_PROJECTION_DEFS`) Examples -------- >>> crs_longname(CRS.from_epsg(3857)) # Web Mercator 'WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator' >>> crs_longname(CRS.from_epsg(32619)) # UTM19N 'WGS 84 / UTM zone 19N' """ # This doesn't necessarily relate to CF but it's nice to have crs_osr = crs2osr(crs) if crs.is_projected: return crs_osr.GetAttrValue('PROJCS') elif crs.is_geographic: return crs_osr.GetAttrValue('GEOGCS')
# ============================================================================ # CF info / parameters
[docs]def cf_crs_name(crs): """ Return CF name of a CRS projection Parameters ---------- crs : CRS Returns ------- str Lowercase projection name (see keys of :py:mod:`CF_PROJECTION_DEFS`) Examples -------- >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(4326)) # WGS84 'latitude_longitude' >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(32619)) # UTM19N 'transverse_mercator' """ crs_osr = crs2osr(crs) if crs.is_projected: name = crs_osr.GetAttrValue('PROJECTION') if name not in CF_PROJECTION_NAMES: if crs.is_valid: raise errors.TODO(f'Cannot handle "{name}" CRS types ' f'yet: {crs.wkt}') else: raise KeyError('Unsupported CRS "{0!r}"'.format(crs)) return CF_PROJECTION_NAMES[name] else: return 'latitude_longitude'
[docs]def cf_crs_attrs(crs): """ Return CF-compliant CRS info to prevent "unknown" CRS/Ellipse/Geoid Parameters ---------- crs: CRS Returns ------- OrderedDict CF attributes References ---------- .. [1] Examples -------- >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(4326)) # WGS84 OrderedDict([('geographic_coordinate_system_name', 'WGS 84'), ('horizontal_datum_name', 'WGS_1984'), ('reference_ellipsoid_name', 'WGS 84'), ('prime_meridian_name', 'Greenwich')]) >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(32619)) # UTM19N OrderedDict([('projected_coordinate_system_name', 'WGS 84 / UTM zone 19N'), ('horizontal_datum_name', 'WGS_1984'), ('reference_ellipsoid_name', 'WGS 84'), ('prime_meridian_name', 'Greenwich')]) """ osr_crs = crs2osr(crs) attrs = OrderedDict() long_name = crs_longname(crs) if crs.is_projected: attrs['projected_coordinate_system_name'] = long_name elif crs.is_geographic: attrs['geographic_coordinate_system_name'] = long_name for cf_parm, osgeo_parm in CF_CRS_NAMES: value = osr_crs.GetAttrValue(osgeo_parm) if value: # only record if not None so we can serialize attrs[cf_parm] = value return attrs
[docs]def cf_proj_params(crs): """ Return projection parameters for a CRS Parameters ---------- crs: CRS Returns ------- OrderedDict CRS parameters and values Raises ------ stems.errors.TODO Raise if CRS isn't supported yet Examples -------- >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(4326)) # WGS84 OrderedDict() >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(32619)) # UTM19N OrderedDict([('latitude_of_projection_origin', 0.0), ('longitude_of_central_meridian', -69.0), ('scale_factor_at_central_meridian', 0.9996), ('false_easting', 500000.0), ('false_northing', 0.0)]) """ name = cf_crs_name(crs) osr_crs = crs2osr(crs) if name not in CF_PROJECTION_DEFS: raise errors.TODO(f'Cannot handle "{name}" CRS types yet') parms = OrderedDict() # "parm" is eww, but ref to `GetProjParm` for cf_parm, osgeo_parm in CF_PROJECTION_DEFS[name]: if isinstance(osgeo_parm, (list, tuple)): parms[cf_parm] = tuple(osr_crs.GetProjParm(p) for p in osgeo_parm) else: parms[cf_parm] = osr_crs.GetProjParm(osgeo_parm) return parms
[docs]def cf_ellps_params(crs): """ Return ellipsoid parameters for a CRS Parameters ---------- crs: CRS Returns ------- OrderedDict Ellipsoid parameters and values Examples -------- >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(4326)) # WGS84 OrderedDict([('semi_major_axis', 6378137.0), ('semi_minor_axis', 6356752.314245179), ('inverse_flattening', 298.257223563)]) >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(32619)) # UTM19N OrderedDict([('semi_major_axis', 6378137.0), ('semi_minor_axis', 6356752.314245179), ('inverse_flattening', 298.257223563)]) """ osr_crs = crs2osr(crs) return OrderedDict( (key, getattr(osr_crs, func)()) for (key, func) in CF_ELLIPSOID_DEFS )
[docs]def cf_xy_coord_names(crs): """ Returns appropriate names for coordinates given CRS Parameters ---------- crs : Coordinate reference system Returns ------- str : x_coord_name X coordinate name str : y_coord_name Y coordinate name Examples -------- >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(4326)) # WGS84 ('longitude', 'latitude') >>> cf_crs_attrs(CRS.from_epsg(32619)) # UTM19N ('x', 'y') """ # CRSError is raised if neither is true, so we don't handle if crs.is_geographic: return 'longitude', 'latitude' elif crs.is_projected: return 'x', 'y' else: raise ValueError('CRS must either be geographic or projected')