Source code for stems.gis.geohash

""" Tools for encoding and decoding geohashes

Geohashes are a way of encoding latitude and longitude information into
a single value (hash as a str or uint64) by dividing up the world into
hierarchical quadrants for a given level of precision. The higher the
precision, the more tiers of quadrants are created. When using just one
level of precision, for example, divides the globe into 36 zones (a-z, 0-9).
By adding letters to the hash, the quandrants get increasingly small to the
point where they are useful as global, unique identifiers for pixel coordinates
(assuming you pick a precision that creates quadrant cells smaller than your
image pixel size).

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* Implement geohash within this submodule to cut dependencies
* Make faster using Numba (look for 0.43 to deal with dict / str)

from functools import singledispatch

    import geohash
except ImportError:
    _HAS_GEOHASH = False

_HAS_DASK = True
    import dask.array as da
except ImportError:
    _HAS_DASK = False

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from import CRS
from rasterio.warp import transform

    import xarray as xr
except ImportError:
    _HAS_XARRAY = False

from ..compat import requires_module
from ..utils import register_multi_singledispatch

_CRS_4326 = CRS.from_epsg(4326)
_MEM_TYPES = (np.ndarray, pd.Series, )

# =============================================================================
[docs]@requires_module('geohash') @singledispatch def geohash_encode(y, x, crs=None, precision=12): """ Encode Y/X coordinates into a geohash, reprojecting as needed Parameters ---------- y : np.ndarray Y coordinates x : np.ndarray X coordinates crs :, optional If Y/X aren't in latitude/longitude (EPSG:4326), then provide their coordinate reference system precision : int, optional Characters of precision for the geohash Returns ------- np.ndarry The geohashes for all Y/X (dtype=``np.dtype(('U', precision))``) """ raise TypeError('Only works on array types')
def _geohash_encode_kernel(y, x, crs=None, precision=12): y, x, is_scalar = _guard_scalar_yx(y, x) if crs is not None: assert isinstance(crs, CRS) x, y = transform(crs, _CRS_4326, x, y) geohashes = [] for x_, y_ in zip(x, y): gh = geohash.encode(y_, x_, precision=precision) geohashes.append(gh) geohashes_ = np.asarray(geohashes, dtype=np.dtype(('U', precision))) if is_scalar: return geohashes_[0] else: return geohashes_ @register_multi_singledispatch(geohash_encode, _MEM_TYPES + (int, float, )) def _geohash_encode_mem(y, x, crs=None, precision=12): return _geohash_encode_kernel(y, x, crs=crs, precision=precision) if _HAS_DASK: @geohash_encode.register(da.Array) def _geohash_encode_dask(y, x, crs=None, precision=12): dtype_ = np.dtype(('U', precision)) sig = '(i),(i)->(i)' if y.shape else '(),()->()' ans = da.map_blocks(_geohash_encode_kernel, y, x, dtype=dtype_, crs=crs, precision=precision) return ans if _HAS_XARRAY: @geohash_encode.register(xr.DataArray) def _geohash_encode_xarray(y, x, crs=None, precision=12): dtype_ = np.dtype(('U', precision)) ans = geohash_encode(,, crs=crs, precision=precision) if np.ndim(ans): return xr.DataArray(ans, dims=y.dims, coords=y.coords, name='geohash') else: return xr.DataArray(ans, name='geohash')
[docs]@requires_module('geohash') @singledispatch def geohash_decode(geohashes, crs=None): """ Encode Y/X coordinates into a geohash, reprojecting as needed Parameters ---------- np.ndarry The geohashes for all Y/X crs :, optional Reproject Y/X latitude/longitude values for each geohash into this CRS before returning (to help with end-to-end encode/decode) Returns ------- y : np.ndarray Y coordinates x : np.ndarray X coordinates """ raise TypeError('Only works for array types')
def _geohash_decode_kernel(geohashes, crs=None): geohashes, is_scalar = _guard_scalar_gh(geohashes) lats, lons = [], [] for gh in geohashes: lat, lon = geohash.decode(gh, delta=False) lats.append(lat) lons.append(lon) if crs is not None: assert isinstance(crs, CRS) x, y = transform(_CRS_4326, crs, lons, lats) else: x, y = lons, lats y_ = np.asarray(y, dtype=np.float32) x_ = np.asarray(x, dtype=np.float32) if is_scalar: return y_[0], x_[0] else: return y_, x_ @register_multi_singledispatch(geohash_decode, _MEM_TYPES + (str, )) def _geohash_decode_mem(geohashes, crs=None): return _geohash_decode_kernel(geohashes, crs=crs) if _HAS_DASK: @geohash_decode.register(da.Array) def _geohash_decode_dask(geohashes, crs=None): sig = '(i)->(i),(i)' if geohashes.shape else '()->(),()' y, x = da.apply_gufunc(_geohash_decode_kernel, sig, geohashes, output_dtypes=[np.float32, np.float32], crs=crs) return y, x if _HAS_XARRAY and _HAS_DASK: @geohash_decode.register(xr.DataArray) def _geohash_decode_xarray(geohashes, crs=None): if isinstance(, da.Array): y, x = _geohash_decode_dask(, crs=crs) else: y, x = _geohash_decode_mem(, crs=crs) y_ = xr.DataArray(y, name='y', coords=geohashes.coords) x_ = xr.DataArray(x, name='x', coords=geohashes.coords) return y_, x_ def _guard_scalar_yx(y, x): is_scalar = not getattr(y, 'shape', ()) if is_scalar: y = np.atleast_1d(y) x = np.atleast_1d(x) assert y.shape == x.shape assert y.ndim == 1 and x.ndim == 1 return y, x, is_scalar def _guard_scalar_gh(geohashes): is_scalar = not getattr(geohashes, 'shape', ()) if is_scalar: geohashes = [geohashes] return geohashes, is_scalar