Tip of the Week

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Tip: Literature Organization

Article and citation manager

Mendeley - http://www.mendeley.com
Mendeley - http://www.mendeley.com

Writing Workflow:

  1. Write in Markdown, LaTeX, or other that support BibTeX
  2. Use BibTeX reference for citations
  3. On export, bibliography is autogenerated from Mendeley exported BibTeX


# Discussion
Let's suppose I'm writing a paper and need to cite someone [@Mitchard2013].

I can use equations:

$$ H_{lorey} = \frac{\sum_{i=1}^N {BA}_i h_i}{\sum_{i=1}^N {BA}_i} $$

# References


BibTeX setting
BibTeX setting

Compile document to PDF or other

pandoc --latex-engine xelatex \
        --bibliography=$HOME/Dropbox/Papers/library.bib \
        -o test.pdf test.md

Some references: