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""" Tracker to submit and download GEE pre-ARD tasks """
""" CEDAR "pre-ARD" order tracker
Parameters ---------- tile_grid : stems.gis.grids.TileGrid Tile Grid to use for ARD store : cedar.stores.Store A Store that can be used to store images & metadata name_template : str, optional Template for "pre-ARD" image and metadata name prefix_template : str, optional Template for "pre-ARD" image and metadata prefix tracking_template : str, optional Template for order tracking file name tracking_prefix : str, optional Order tracking file prefix folder filters : Dict[str, Sequence[dict or ee.Filter]] Earth Engine filters to apply, organized by image collection name. Values should either be ``ee.Filter`` objects or dictionaries that describe the filter (see :py:func:`cedar.utils.serialize_filter`) """ name_template=defaults.PREARD_NAME, prefix_template=defaults.PREARD_PREFIX, tracking_template=defaults.PREARD_TRACKING, tracking_prefix=defaults.PREARD_TRACKING_PREFIX, filters=None, export_image_kwds=None): assert isinstance(tile_grid, TileGrid) self.tile_grid = tile_grid = store self.name_template = name_template self.prefix_template = prefix_template self.tracking_template = tracking_template self.tracking_prefix = tracking_prefix self._filters = filters or defaultdict(list) self.export_image_kwds = export_image_kwds or {}
def filters(self): """ list[ee.Filter]: Earth Engine filters to apply """ # Convert from dict as needed from .utils import create_filters return { image_collection: create_filters(filters) for image_collection, filters in self._filters.items() }
period_start, period_end, period_freq=None, save_empty_metadata=True, error_if_empty=False): """ Submit and track GEE pre-ARD tasks
Parameters ---------- collections: str or Sequence[str] GEE image collection name(s) tile_indices : Sequence[(int, int)] Tuple(s) of rows/columns in TileGrid to process period_start : dt.datetime Starting period date period_end : dt.datetime Ending period date period_freq : str, optional If provided, ``period_start``, ``period_end``, and ``period_freq`` are interpeted as the range for :py:func:`pandas.date_range` and one or more Tasks will be submitted save_empty_metadata : bool, optional If True, Pre-ARD image requests that have 0 results (e.g., because of spotty historical record) will store metadata, but will not start the task. If False, will not store this metadata error_if_empty : bool, optional If True, raise an EmptyCollectionError if the image collection result has no images. The default behavior is to log and skip empty search results
Returns ------- str Task tracking information name str Task tracking information identifier (an ID, path, etc) """ # TODO: add callback (e.g., for progressbar) # TODO: eventually allow start/end to be None (use limits of data) if isinstance(collections, str): collections = (collections, ) assert len(tile_indices) >= 1 if isinstance(tile_indices[0], int): tile_indices = [tile_indices]
# Get tiles tiles = [self.tile_grid[index] for index in tile_indices]
# Split up period into 1 or more sub-periods if freq is given periods = _parse_date_freq(period_start, period_end, period_freq) logger.debug(f'Creating {len(periods)} ARD slice(s) for date range')
# Create tracking name s_tile_indices = [f'h{h:03d}v{v:03d}' for v, h in tile_indices] namespace = { 'collections': collections, 'tiles': tiles, 'tile_indices': '_'.join(s_tile_indices), 'period_start': period_start.isoformat(), 'period_end': period_end.isoformat(), 'period_freq': period_freq, 'now': } tracking_name = self.tracking_template.format(**namespace)
# Create submission info submission_info = get_submission_info(self.tile_grid, collections, tile_indices, period_start, period_end, period_freq)
# Determine parameters for each submission iter_submit = list(itertools.product(collections, tiles, periods))
logger.debug(f'Creating order named "{tracking_name}"') order = ordering.Order( tracking_name, self.tracking_prefix, name_template=self.name_template, prefix_template=self.prefix_template )
# Loop over product of collections, tiles, and dates for collection, tile, (date_start, date_end) in iter_submit: logger.debug( f'Adding "{collection}" - ' f'"h{tile.horizontal:03d}v{tile.vertical:03d} - ' f'{date_start} to {date_end}' ) order.add( collection, tile, date_start, date_end, filters=self.filters.get(collection, []), error_if_empty=error_if_empty )
logger.debug('Submitting order') tracking_id = order.submit(, submission_info=submission_info, save_empty_metadata=save_empty_metadata, export_image_kwds=self.export_image_kwds ) logger.debug(f'Submitted order with name="{tracking_name}" ' f'stored at ID="{tracking_id}"')
return tracking_name, tracking_id
""" Return a list of all tracking metadata
Parameters ---------- pattern : str, optional Search pattern for tracking info. Specify to subset to specific tracking info (e.g., from some date). If ``None`` provided, looks for tracking information matching :py:attr:`~Tracker.tracking_template`
Returns ------- list[str] Name of stored tracking information """ if pattern is None: d = defaultdict(lambda: '*') pattern = self.tracking_template.format_map(d).split('*')[0] return, pattern=pattern)
""" Returns stored tracking information as dict
Parameters ---------- name : str Name of tracking metadata (e.g., taken from running :func:`~Tracker.list_tracking`)
Returns ------- dict JSON tracking info data as a dict """ data =, path=self.tracking_prefix) return TrackingMetadata(data)
""" Refresh and reupload tracking information by checking with the GEE
Parameters ---------- name : str Name of tracking metadata (e.g., taken from running :func:`~Tracker.list_tracking`)
Returns ------- dict JSON tracking info data as a dict """ tracking_info = updated = tracking_info.update() name_ =, name) return updated
""" Download "pre-ARD" and metadata to a directory
Parameters ---------- tracking_info : dict JSON tracking info data as a dict dest : str or pathlib.Path Destination download directory overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite existing downloaded data callback : callable Callback function to execute after each file is downloaded. Should take arguments "item" and "n_steps". Use this for progress bars or other download status reporting
Returns ------- tuple[str, list[str]] Key value pairs mapping GEE task IDs to the filenames of downloaded data. Wrap it in a ``dict`` to make it not lazy """ logger.debug(f'Downloading for {len(tracking_info["orders"])} tasks') iter_download = download_tracked(tracking_info,, dest, overwrite=overwrite)
downloaded = defaultdict(list) for task_id, n_images, meta, images in iter_download: # Download, report (if callback), and store filenames logger.debug(f'Downloading output for task "{task_id}" ' f'({n_images or "unknown"} images)')
for meta_ in meta: if callback: # Metadata doesn't count as a "step" callback(item=task_id, n_steps=0) downloaded[task_id].append(meta_)
# We might not know how many images will be downloaded steps_image = 1 / n_images if n_images else 0 for image in images: downloaded[task_id].append(image) if callback: callback(item=image.stem, n_steps=steps_image)
# Update for all downloaded images at once if we didn't know # a priori if steps_image == 0 and callback: item = os.path.commonprefix( [ for p in downloaded[task_id]]) callback(item=item + '...', n_steps=1)
return downloaded
""" Clean "pre-ARD" imagery, metadata, and tracking metadata off GCS
Parameters ---------- tracking_info : dict JSON tracking info data as a dict tracking_name : str Name of tracking info file (will be deleted if provided) callback : callable Callback function to execute after each file is deleted. Should take arguments "item" and "n_steps". Use this for progress bars or other download status reporting
Returns ------- dict[str, list[str]] Mapping of GEE Task ID to filename(s) cleaned """ iter_clean = clean_tracked(tracking_info,
cleaned = defaultdict(list) for task_id, n_images, names in iter_clean: for name in names: if callback: callback(item=task_id, n_steps=1 / n_images) cleaned[task_id].append(name)
if tracking_name:, self.tracking_prefix)
return cleaned
""" Download stored "pre-ARD" and metadata described by tracking info
Parameters ---------- tracking_info : dict Tracking information store : cedar.stores.Store cedar store class dest : str or pathlib.Path Destination download directory overwrite : bool, optional Overwrite previously downoaded data, or not
Yields ------ id : str Task ID n_images : int Number of images to download if known, otherwise ``None`` metadata : generator Generator that downloads metadata and yields filenames images : generator Generator that downloads imagery and yields filenames """ dest_ = Path(str(dest)) if not dest_.exists(): dest_.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) else: assert dest_.is_dir()
orders = tracking_info['orders'] for order in orders: # Get info about order id_ = order['status'].get('id', None) name, prefix = order['name'], order['prefix'] n_images = len(order['status'].get('output_url', [])) or None
# Retrieve image and metadata dst_meta = store.retrieve_metadata(dest, name, prefix, overwrite=overwrite) dst_imgs = store.retrieve_image(dest, name, prefix, overwrite=overwrite)
yield (id_, n_images, dst_meta, dst_imgs, )
""" Delete stored "pre-ARD" and metadata described by tracking info
Parameters ---------- tracking_info : dict Tracking information store : cedar.stores.gcs.GCSStore or cedar.stores.gdrive.GDriveStore cedar store class
Yields ------ id : str Order GEE Task ID names : generator Generator that deletes files and returns their names """ orders = tracking_info['orders'] for order in orders: id_ = order['status'].get('id', None) name, prefix = order['name'], order['prefix'] logger.debug(f'Deleting image and metadata for id={id_}, ' f'name="{name}", prefix="{prefix}"')
# Retrieve image and metadata names = store.list(path=prefix, pattern=name) yield (id_, len(names), (store.remove(name) for name in names))
import pandas as pd # hiding because it can be expensive to import start_ = pd.to_datetime(start).to_pydatetime() end_ = pd.to_datetime(end).to_pydatetime() if freq is None: return list(zip([start], [end])) else: # Add offset to make inclusive of end date from pandas.tseries.frequencies import to_offset offset = to_offset(freq) times = pd.date_range(start, end + offset, freq=freq).to_pydatetime() return list(zip(times[:-1], times[1:])) |