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""" Helper utilities for using Google Cloud Storage """
'' ]
""" Return a Google Cloud Store API service client
Parameters ---------- credentials : str, optional File name of Google Cloud Store credentials (typically from a service account) project : str, optional Google Cloud Platform project to use
Returns ------- Client for the Google Cloud Storage client library
Notes ----- You might consider setting the envirnment variable ``GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS`` with the path to your service account credentials file [1]_.
References ---------- .. [1] """ if credentials is None and ENVVAR_CREDENTIALS in os.environ: credentials = os.environ[ENVVAR_CREDENTIALS] logger.debug('Got GCS credentials from environment variable') if project is None and ENVVAR_PROJECT in os.environ: project = os.environ[ENVVAR_PROJECT] logger.debug('Got GCS project from environment variable')
credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( credentials, scopes=SCOPES) client = storage.Client(project=project, credentials=credentials)
return client
""" Store GEE "pre-ARD" images and metadata on Google Cloud Storage
Parameters ---------- client : GCS client bucket : GCS bucket """ assert isinstance(client, storage.Client) assert isinstance(bucket, storage.Bucket) self.client = client self.bucket = bucket
""" Load Google Cloud Storage credentials and create store """ client = build_gcs_client(credentials=credentials, project=project) bucket = client.get_bucket(bucket_name) return cls(client, bucket)
""" List stored images or metadata
Parameters ---------- path : str, optional Prefix path to search within pattern : str, optional Filename pattern
Returns ------- list[str] Names of stored data """ blobs = list_blobs(self.bucket, prefix=path, pattern=pattern) return [ for blob in blobs]
""" Store JSON metadata
Parameters ---------- metadata : dict Metadata, to be saved as JSON name : str Name of file/object to store path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored. Otherwise assumed to be part of ``name``
Returns ------- str Path to uploaded object """ if not name.endswith('.json'): name += '.json' fullname, _, path_ = _combine_name_path(name, path)
path_ = mkdir_p(self.bucket, path_)
blob = upload_json(self.bucket, metadata, fullname, check=False) return
""" Create ee.batch.Task to create and store "pre-ARD"
Parameters ---------- image : ee.Image Earth Engine image to compute & store name : str Name of file/object to store path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored export_image_kwds : dict, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass onto :py:meth:`ee.batch.Export.image.toCloudStorage` (hint: ``scale`` & ``crs``)
Returns ------- ee.Task Earth Engine Task """ # Make parent directory fullname, basename, path_ = _combine_name_path(name, path) path_ = mkdir_p(self.bucket, path_)
# Create compute/store export task # Canonicalized: # bucket -> outputBucket # fileNamePrefix, path -> outputPrefix task = ee.batch.Export.image.toCloudStorage( image,, description=basename, fileNamePrefix=fullname, **export_image_kwds ) return task
if not name.endswith(ext): name += f'*{ext}'
blobs = list_blobs(self.bucket, prefix=path, pattern=name) logger.debug(f'Found {len(blobs)} blobs matching image name/prefix')
dests = [] for blob in blobs: blob_name ='/')[-1] msg = f'{i}/{len(blobs)} - "{blob_name}"'
dest_ = dest.joinpath(blob_name) if not dest_.exists() or overwrite: logger.debug(f'Downloading {msg}') dst_ = download_blob(blob, dest_) else: logger.debug(f'Already downloaded {msg}')
yield dest_
""" Retrieve (pieces of) an image from the GCS
Parameters ---------- dest : str Destination folder to save image(s) name : str Name of stored file/object path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored on GCS
Yields ------ Sequence[str] Filename(s) corresponding to retrieved data """ return _retrieve_extension(dest, name, 'tif', path=path, overwrite=overwrite)
""" Retrieve image metadata from the GCS
Parameters ---------- dest : str Destination folder to save metadata name : str Name of stored file/object path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored
Yields ------ pathlib.Path Filename corresponding to retrieved data """ return _retrieve_extension(dest, name, 'json', path=path, overwrite=overwrite)
""" Read and parse JSON metadata into a dict
Parameters ---------- name : str Filename of metadata blob to read path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored
Returns ------- dict JSON metadata blob """ fullname, _, _ = _combine_name_path(name, path) blob = self.bucket.get_blob(fullname) if not blob: raise ValueError(f'No stored metadata named {fullname}') data = read_json(blob, encoding=METADATA_ENCODING) return data
""" Remove a file from GCS
Parameters ---------- name : str Name of stored file/object path : str, optional Parent directory for file/object stored
Returns ------- str Name of file removed """ fullname, _, _ = _combine_name_path(name, path) return delete_blob(self.bucket, fullname)
""" Upload data as JSON to GCS
Parameters ---------- bucket : GCS bucket data : str or dict JSON, either already dumped to str or as a dict path : str Destination path on GCS for data check : bool, optional Check to see if the file already exists first. If so, will overwrite (or "update" instead of "create") encoding : str, optional Metadata encoding
Returns ------- JSON as GCS blob """ blob = bucket.blob(path) # Dump dict to JSON str and/or encode if needed if isinstance(data, dict): data = json.dumps(data, indent=2) if not isinstance(data, bytes): data = data.encode(encoding) blob.upload_from_string(data, content_type='application/json') return blob
""" Read a blob of JSON string data into a dict
Parameters ---------- blob : Blob to read, decode, and load encoding : str, optional Metadata encoding
Returns ------- dict Blob read, decoded, and loaded as a dict """ data = blob.download_as_string().decode(encoding) return json.loads(data)
""" Create a "directory" on GCS
Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name path : str Path to folder
Returns ------- GCS blob for directory created
Notes ----- Directories don't really exist on GCS but we can fake it [1]_.
References ---------- .. [1] """ paths = path.rstrip('/').split('/') blob_dir = None for i in range(len(paths)): path_ = _format_dirpath('/'.join(paths[:i + 1])) if not exists(bucket, path_): logger.debug(f'Creating "directory" on GCS "{path_}"') blob_dir = mkdir(bucket, path_) else: logger.debug(f'Path {path_} already exists...')
return blob_dir
""" Make a directory, recursively
Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name path : str Path to folder
Returns ------- GCS blob for directory created """ path_ = _format_dirpath(path) blob = bucket.blob(path_) content_type = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8' blob.upload_from_string('', content_type=content_type) return path
""" Check if file/folder exists
Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name path : str Path to file/folder
Returns ------- bool True or False if exists """ blob = storage.Blob(path, bucket) return blob.exists()
""" Delete a GCS blob
Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name path : str Path to file/folder
Returns ------- path Name of deleted blob """ blob = bucket.blob(path) blob.delete() return
""" Return "directory" blobs within a on GCS
Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name prefix : str List contents within this folder
Returns ------- Sequence[str] List of directories names inside at ``prefix`` """ prefix = _format_dirpath(prefix) if prefix else None blobs = bucket.list_blobs(prefix=prefix, delimiter='/') prefixes = set() for page in blobs.pages: prefixes.update(page.prefixes) return list(prefixes)
""" Return file/non-directory blobs within a on GCS
Parameters ---------- bucket : str or Bucket or bucket name prefix : str List contents within this folder pattern : str, optional Filter search by glob pattern (i.e., ``*.json``)
Returns ------- list[] List of blob files inside at ``prefix`` """ if prefix: prefix = _format_dirpath(prefix)
blobs = bucket.list_blobs(prefix=prefix) blobs = [blob for blob in blobs if _RE_FILE.match(]
if pattern: re_pattern = re.compile(fnmatch.translate(pattern)) blobs = [blob for blob in blobs if re_pattern.match(_blob_basename(blob, prefix))]
return blobs
""" Download a blob to a destination directory
Parameters ---------- blob : GCS blob to download dest : str Local directory to download blob into
Returns ------- pathlib.Path Filename written to """ dest = Path(dest) if not dest.exists(): dest.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
suffix = f'.tmp.{socket.gethostname()}.{os.getpid()}' with renamed_upon_completion(dest, suffix=suffix) as tmp: blob.download_to_filename(tmp) return dest
return path if path.endswith('/') else path + '/'
if prefix and return[len(prefix):] else: return
# Entire filename if prefix is None: parts = name.split('/') prefix_ = '/'.join(parts[:-1]) basename = parts[-1] return name, basename, _format_dirpath(prefix_) # Filename + prefix else: assert '/' not in name # should just be a file prefix_ = _format_dirpath(prefix) return prefix_ + name, name, prefix_ |