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""" CLI tools for submitting "pre-ARD" orders to GEE """ import itertools import logging
import click
from stems.cli import options as cli_options
from .. import defaults from . import options
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _check_imgcol(ctx, param, image_collection): from cedar.sensors import CREATE_ARD_COLLECTION for collection in image_collection: if collection not in CREATE_ARD_COLLECTION: _, imgcol_param = options.fetch_param(ctx, 'image_collection') img_cols = ", ".join([f'"{k}"' for k in CREATE_ARD_COLLECTION]) raise click.BadParameter( f'Unknown image collection "{collection}". ' f'Must be one of {img_cols}', ctx=ctx, param=imgcol_param) return image_collection
@click.command('submit', short_help='Submit "pre-ARD" data processing tasks') @click.argument('image_collection', nargs=-1, type=str, required=True, callback=_check_imgcol) @click.option('--index', '-i', nargs=2, type=(int, int), multiple=True, help='TileGrid (row, col) index(es) to submit') @click.option('--row', '-r', type=int, multiple=True, help='TileGrid row(s) to submit. Use in conjunction with `--col`') @click.option('--col', '-c', type=int, multiple=True, help='TileGrid col(s) to submit. Use in conjunction with `--row`') @click.option('--period_start', callback=cli_options.cb_time, help='Starting time period for submission') @click.option('--period_end', callback=cli_options.cb_time, help='Ending time period for submission') @click.option('--period_freq', type=str, default=defaults.PREARD_FREQ, help='Split start/end time into periods of this frequency') @cli_options.opt_date_format @click.pass_context def submit(ctx, image_collection, index, row, col, period_start, period_end, period_freq, date_format): """ Submit "pre-ARD" processing orders and create tracking metadata """ from cedar.exceptions import EmptyOrderError from cedar.sensors import CREATE_ARD_COLLECTION from cedar.utils import load_ee
# Need index OR (row AND col) -- blame index param if it goes wrong _, index_param = options.fetch_param(ctx, 'index') if index: if row or col: raise click.BadParameter( 'Cannot use `--index` with `--row` or `--col`', ctx=ctx, param=index_param) elif row and col: if index: raise click.BadParameter( 'Cannot use `--row` and `--col` with `--index`', ctx=ctx, param=index_param) index = list(itertools.product(row, col)) else: raise click.BadParameter( 'Must specify `--index` OR both `--row` and `--col`', ctx=ctx, param=index_param)
# Eventually we'll support not having a period_start/period_end, but not yet if not period_start or not period_end: name = f'period_{"start" if not period_start else "end"}' param = options.fetch_param(ctx, name)[1] raise click.BadParameter(f'Must pass {name}ing period', ctx=ctx, param=param)
# Check that we know about the image collection for collection in image_collection: if collection not in CREATE_ARD_COLLECTION: raise KeyError(f'Unknown image collection "{collection}"')
# Get parse(d) config and build tracker config = options.fetch_config(ctx) tracker = config.get_tracker()
# Login to EE ee = load_ee(True)
msg = [ f'Tiles: {", ".join([f"h{c:04d}v{r:04d}" for r, c in index])}', f'Collections: {", ".join(image_collection)}', f'Time period: {period_start.isoformat()} - {period_end.isoformat()}', f'At frequency: {period_freq}' ] click.echo('Submitting preARD tasks for:') click.echo("\n".join([f" {s}" for s in msg]))
# Submit! try: tracking_info_name, tracking_info_id = tracker.submit( image_collection, index, period_start, period_end, period_freq=period_freq ) click.echo('Wrote job tracking to store object named ' f'"{tracking_info_name}" ({tracking_info_id})') except EmptyOrderError as ece: click.echo(repr(ece)) click.echo('Did not find data to order. Check your search parameters') raise click.Abort() except Exception as e: click.echo('Unknown error occurred. See exception printed below') raise e |